Living off the land in times of economic uncertainty – a permaculture role model

in #mindfullife6 years ago

With the rumors of recession on a global scale around the corner, as well as a tipping point crossed in climate disorder, it looks like food self-sufficiency will be more valuable than we currently appreciate. Homesteading is perhaps our saving grace in times when crop production may take strain globally, and food inflation outpace income as well as other types of inflation.
When it becomes an outright case of food insecurity for entire regions at a time, our preparedness will determine our survival. Here in my area I have friends who have been cultivating a successful off-the-grid existence for the past few years, and I took the opportunity of capturing some of their greenhouse production on camera to share with you guys.

A coming global food crisis has been predicted for a few years already. 2050 was seen to be a goal for food security back since food prices began increased upswings around the 2008 recession. But 2050 is much too far away lately. Disasters have hit large sectors of American agricultural industry, as well as other countries. It looks like food insecurity may become more prominent sooner than we think.
We cannot allow the situation to reach a tipping point, as it did in 2008. If such a thing were to occur in the area of food security, as it looks to be doing with current population demands, it could spell disaster for city full of people overnight.

Actually it would take maybe three nights of zero food deliveries for supermarkets to run out of produce, perhaps a few days longer in some places. But by a week we would have a degree of desperation among the masses that can drive them to crime just to survive. That’s when looting and mobs arise. At least here in my home in Africa it would come to that pretty quickly.

Still there are solutions like becoming a gardener and growing you own. Simple things like certain greens can grow within a few weeks, and generate salad ingredients full of nutrition. Even an urban dweller can become a sprout farmer and cultivate a crop on the window ledge in the sun. Abundant nutrition exists in mung, chickpea and other sprouts.
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Here are some pictures of the garden in action. Notice the fantastically strong greenhouse frame, to protect the lot from baboons. Here on the south Cape coast of Africa they are prolific, particularly since the leopard are almost non-existent now. Civilization routed them out already. The baboons may be around a little longer, and they invade every now and then. Cages are the only solution, even for entire fruit trees.
Added to food security is energy security as a priority in coming times of uncertainty. Sunlight is abundant here so that is the preferred source of energy. Panels provide current into deep cycle batteries, and hot water geysers or cylinders are also heated purely by solar. Simple living and high thinking is a motto to aspire to overall. There is abundant resources, if one can tap into and store them.

Water is the third critical ingredient, along with food and power, upon which survival is dependent. Ideally one can have rain tanks with large roof area to catch the rain. And then a storage system that is not too obvious from above, since governments like to monitor and even want to start taxing you for how much rain you catch. Or making it illegal in certain states to even catch it at all. In this way the elite keep us dependent on them and trapped in their system without the ability to become self-sufficient and attain our rightful sovereignty when the powers that be on earth are abandoning our well-being.

If you can I would recommend moving out of the big urban areas and cities, and make a move to some more rural setting, where fresh air and open natural spaces surround you. If not immediately then make it a plan for the future. For not instead just cultivate vertical farming in your apartment, or sprout farming. It works. Don’t get caught unaware or unprepared in times of economic and literal survival uncertainty. We should all have a plan B.

Power House Creatives _night mode.png



ve got my plan B in place and have begun exploring indoor gardening for our cold climate with such a short growing season. I have a lot of space for gardening outside working towards food self sufficiency. What I don't grow I have sourced out local sources and even do some bartering.

I thought that covered garden was just there for a structure to supply shade or capture hear. That's pretty wild that you have to fence things to protect against baboons. Here it's mostly the deer that will eat your garden.

Good to see a productive garden - thanks for sharing!

Great to hear you have you Plan B in place.

Yes the baboons are a difficult bunch, very destructive.

Food security is my immediate goal at the moment. I would dearly love to get some solar as well, but that will have to wait a bit.

The situation with the baboons is crazy. I guess they would wipe out a garden pretty quickly. And I thought I had trouble with wild rabbits lol.

Yes the baboons are quite destructive. We are situated on the coast and next to indigenous forest where they live. They also come into the suburbs sometimes and you can see the troop beside the road foraging for grains that fall off the trucks as they pass, not afraid of cars.

I'm trying my best to do this too, with the limited space, quite challenging... I love your garden!

Keep up the effort, you can do vertical gardening, going up using window boxes attached to the walls if you have limited space.

Yup, am experimenting that slowly!

Cool red cat! He does not interfere? Do not dig plants?

Glad you like the cat, she is very friendly and there is enough space all around so does not disturb the garden, though she does not stay in the actual greenhouses, only there when the door is open and we are working in there.

I used to work in a lot of supermarkets or restaurants. The amount of food that is thrown away every night is appalling. America consumes so many of the world's resources, just to waste it! Seeing the immense inefficiencies we have as a society disturbs my soul. I've slowly been building myself the skills to become self-sustainable but I worry I might run out of time. >__<

It is a cause for concern, I'm glad you are aware of the bad wealth and asset distribution. Let's see if we can redress the balance in the coming years.

Great post! Plan B is everything. Next year we have a dramatically reduced paycheck but a whole A good time to test our produce growing skills!

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow, it is going to be a time to bring out your other skills completely. I hope it goes well.

We are starting small with homestead with herbs and vegetables. Hopefully can self provide soon.

Wonderful, that's good to hear, every little bit helps, and it can improve year by year.

Wow, I'd love to have enough land to build a greenhouse like your friends. Great stuff.

Yes having your own piece of land is a rare luxury, although there may be a way to buy in with a few people and share the piece of land, like a community.

Brillant article, really enjoyed seeing the spot of your friends ! The securing of food are in my mind one of the first achievement I want to do , that and the place where I will build that :)

Keep up the good work dear !!

Thank you for your kind words, finding the right place to settle is an important point, especially now with climate shifting radically. You want to be in a safe zone away from flood, drought and heavy storms.

You're most welcome dear ! Firstly I wanted to settle in the middle South of France, but with the heating up, I see myself clearly more in the North part :)) not far from see, not too close and with some source of water, this is really the key element for me.. and for a garden ^^

Be well !

Food, water and energy self-sufficiency will be EVERYTHING. Already that way in many parts of the world, where they are streets ahead of the so-called first-western world.

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Yes this is the way to survive in the future uncertain economic shifts.

I would like to join the curation trail but when I click on "click here to join" it brings me back to a copy of this my same post.

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