Saintly Ladies meeting after Church Ceremonies
Albert Edelfert has to be the spitting image of Leonardo DiCaprio.
Really appreciate the nice little biographical sketches of the artists in this series.
A favorite Sunday pastime of the older ladies was to gather together after the formal worship and share their week, like what was new and what happened in their personal lives. Then after a few minutes, they would tell stories and remember the activities of the Lord and His devotees. The stories could come from the Hebrew Testament as well as the New Testament.
As each one spoke something someone else would be reminded of something related to what was being said and share that. Then someone else would be reminded of something else and in this way they would spend a good deal of time enlivening each in remembrance of the Lord. They would feel catapulted to another realm. One beyond the miseries and difficulties of the temporary world.
Margareta would usually start the ball rolling after the few minutes they spent on What was New. Who got married. Who died Who was traveling. Who was sick, etc.
One morning she spoke like this, "I have been thinking so much lately about King Solomon, the wise king. A king's duties. How is a representative of the Lord. The Highest King. Not an easy job. He has to see everyone as his subject, his son and dependent. He is a father for the country like a father is for his family. He has to punish some of them and also see to the welfare of everyone. He collects taxes and cannot misuse them for his own enjoyment but see that they are used nicely for the welfare of the people. What a responsible post he has!!
Marji chimed in when Margareta paused to reflect, "Yes. We were hopeful that Prince Charles would reestablish a kingdom here in Finland. We have been under Russian occupation for so long. Our culture has been weakened so much by being subservient for foreign rule. But we see it will not happen. We will not have a king. Oh how we long for a pious king. A father of the people.
Lumi began to speak, "Yes the world has changed so much in just my lifetime. Everyone wants to chose their own leader. But the people may not be intelligent enough or God conscious enough to choose who is qualified and then there is all the other influences... money, power, control. I see a dark time coming. But they will think it is progress.
Ida thought for a moment, "But when has it ever been heaven on earth? There are always difficulties here. It is not our real home. Proof is we can't stay here. How fortunate we are to be able to hear about the Lord and worship Him together. We know He hears us because we can feel His presence. No need to worry unnecessarily. Only real worry is that we forget Him. He loves us. He loves everyone, we are all His children, just some do not love Him.
Maybe you would like to write something: @impersonal @cutbalqis @xiao-aine @fajrularifst @kasun-chamikara
Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.
Thank you for inviting me to a contest where prolific author like you can do the justice. Wish your story considered as the most fascinating by the host.
Why your Steemit name is "Impersonal" You are anything but impersonal.

Haha I wanted to be Annonimous but it was already taken.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.
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It becomes very obvious after a while that we are all in this together. The good, the bad and the ugly... :>)
Jajaja. Sobre todo los feos, jajaja. Un abrazo.
Hi, is nice to see you did research to use Finnish names, history of that location and paraphrased some parts of the Bible.
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