Picture Puzzles | Round 10 | # 43 | Win Beta Monsters | - Booster Pack | - SP |

in #steemmonsters7 years ago


Do you fancy a simple concentration game?Hast du Lust auf ein einfaches Konzentrationsspiel?
Find one or up to four errors in the right image! For every mistake you get 0.1 SP for free. If you find all four mistakes alone, in addition to the SP, you will receive a Beta SteemMonsters card from an unopened @steemmonsters booster pack. In addition, at the end of the round you will take part in the special raffle with three Steemmonsters Bosster Packs. In addition, you collect points that are converted to SP at the end of the games. And if you tell me where I took this picture, you get a surprise bonus.Finde einen oder bis zu vier Fehler im rechten Bild! Für jeden Fehler bekommst du 0,1 SP geschenkt. Findest du alle vier Fehler alleine, bekommst du zusätzlich zu den SP eine Beta SteemMonsters Karte aus einem ungeöffneten @steemmonsters Boosterpack. Außerdem nimmst du am Ende der Runde an der Sonderverlosung con drei Steemmonsters Bosster Packs teil. Zusätzlich sammelst du Punkte, die am Ende der Spiele in SP gewandelt werden. Und wenn du mir sagst, wo ich dieses Bild aufgenommen habe, bekommst du einen Überraschungsbonus.


special Bonus

On my bike I often come through this railway bridge. Recently, the wall was obviously plastered! I immediately noticed the big white letters, because they are the first letter of my wife and mine. The saying next to it: "stupid people need each other" inspired me to think about the picture and what the author means by that! Let's analyze the image together and collect points.Bei neinen Radtouren komme ich öfters durch diese Eisenbahnbrücke. Vor kurzem wurde die Wand offensichtlich neu verputzt! Mir sind die großen weißen Buchstaben sofort aufgefallen, da es der Anfangsbuchstabe meiner Frau und meiner sind. Der Spruch daneben: „DUMME MENSCHEN brauchen EiNaNdEr“ hat mich inspiriert, über das Bild und was der Autor damit wohl meint, nachzudenken! Analysieren wir das Bild gemeinsam und sammeln Punkte.


Game Rules /en

(für die deutsche Anleitung, bitte etwas weiter scrollen)
Feel free from any obligation!

But there are a few things I want to define. In order to get a central overview between player and supporter, it is necessary that players register in the start dialog (upvote)! (I write a comment for each game as a start dialog and thus open the games). I will create future puzzles about a template. I refer then only to this post to read the rules!

Supporters take part in the special raffle of three steemmonsters booster packs at the end of a round. In addition, points can be accumulated for activities that will be converted to SP at the end of the round. In order to secure this claim, you must have left at least two games, one comment each!

  • Write a comment

Each game contains an image containing four bugs. For every mistake there is 0.1 SP as a bonus! The player who first publishes the four bugs gets a card from an unopened booster pack in addition to the bonus. In addition, players participate in all special raffles. Players must register under the startup comment written for game clearance! With a comment in the start dialog, players with a score of 1-5 sign their claim to the still hidden monster card. For your registration you get points, which will be converted into SP at the end of the round. You can earn points by writing comments and commenting on others.

  • Player registration in the Stardialog
  • Write a comment in the start dialog with a number from 1-5

If you have not signed up, you lose the claim!

The game will be evaluated after each game and published in an interim report. All monster cards won in the game will be transferred to the winner (s) with the publication of the interim report. For the activity in the game I award points. Points are summed up at the end of the round and converted to SP (1 point equals 0.001 SP). All special raffles are published at the end of a round (five games) in the round-up summary. With the release, the monster cards and the SP winnings are transferred to the winners. Since the Steemmonsterkarte are already very valuable, I limit the profit payments preventively to a maximum of 25 SP per round / 5 SP per game!

game releases
Every game runs 24 hours! During this time all comments and results are rated! In the following 24 hours the summary will be created! After that, the next game takes place! Five games are played per round, four interim reports and a summary are published!

I want us to have fun and share our fun with others and, above all, to encourage others to have fun as well! Then we have fun! And what it means when I have fun, I have shown in the last 42 games!

I wish you good luck and success and have fun all the time!


Spielregeln /de

Fühle dich frei von jeglicher Verpflichtung!

Aber es gibt ein paar Dinge, welche ich definieren möchte. Um eine zentrale Übersicht zwischen Spieler und Unterstützer zu bekommen, ist es notwendig, dass Spieler sich im Startdialog anmelden (Upvote)! (Ich schreibe bei jedem Spiel einen Kommentar als Startdialog und eröffne damit die Spiele). Ich werde zukünftige Bilderrätsel über einTemplate erstellen. Ich verweise dann nur noch auf diesen Post zum Nachlesen der Regeln!

Unterstützer nehmen am Ende einer Runde an der Sonderverlosung von drei @steemmonsters Boosterpack teil. Zusätzlich können Punkte für Aktivitäten gesammelt werden, welche am Ende der Runde in SP gewandelt werden. Um dir diesen Anspruch zu sichern, must du mindestens an zwei Spielen, jeweils einen Kommentar hinterlassen haben!

  • Schreibe einen Kommentar

In jedem Spiel ist ein Bild enthalten, welches vier Fehler enthält. Für jeden Fehler gibt es 0,1 SP als Prämie! Der Spieler, welcher als erstes die vier Fehler veröffentlicht bekommt eine Karte aus einem ungeöffneten Boosterpack zusätzlich zur Prämie. Außerdem nehmen Spieler an allen Sonderverlosungen teil. Spieler müssen sich unter dem Startkommentar, welcher zur Freigabe des Spiels geschrieben wird, anmelden! Mit einem Kommentar im Startdialog melden die Spieler mit einer Zahl von 1-5 ihren Anspruch auf die noch verdeckte Monsterkarte an. Für Deine Anmeldung bekommst du Punkte, welche am Ende der Runde in SP gewandelt werden. Du kannst Punkte sammeln, wenn du Kommentare schreibst und andere kommentierst.

  • Spieler Anmeldung im Stardialog
  • Schreibe einen Kommentar im Startdialog mit einer Zahl von 1-5

Hast du dich nicht angemeldet, verlierst du den Anspruch!

Das Spiel wird nach jedem Spiel bewertet und in einem Zwischenbericht veröffentlicht. Alle Monsterkarten, welche im Spiel gewonnen werden, werden mit der Veröffentlichung des Zwischenberichts an den/die Gewinner übertragen. Für die Aktivität im Spiel vergebe ich Punkte. Punkte werden am Ende der Runde zusammengefasst und in SP gewandelt (1 Punkt entspricht 0,001 SP). Alle Sonderverlosungen werden am Ende einer Runde (fünf Spiele) in der Rundenzusammenfassung veröffentlicht. Mit der Veröffentlichung werden die Monsterkarten sowie die SP Gewinne an die Gewinner transferiert. Da die Steemmonsterkarten jetzt schon sehr wertvoll sind begrenze ich Gewinnauszahlungen präventiv auf maximal 25 SP pro Runde / 5 SP pro Spiel!

Jedes Spiel läuft 24 Stunden! In dieser Zeit werden alle Kommentare und Ergebnisse bewertet! In den weiteren 24 Stunden wird die Zusammenfassung erstellt! Danach erfolgt das nächste Spiel! Pro Runde werden fünf Spiele gespielt, vier Zwischenberichte und eine Zusammenfassung veröffentlicht!

Ich möchte, dass wir Spaß haben, und unseren Spaß auch mit anderen teilen und vor allem, dass wir gemeinsam andere dazu animieren auch Spaß zu haben! Dann habe wir richtig Spaß! Und was es bedeutet, wenn ich Spaß habe, habe ich in den letzten 42 Spielen gezeigt!

Ich wünsche Dir viel Glück und Erfolg und habe allzeit Spaß!



Previous winners of the games

1@surripio2MonsterFire BeatleCommon
2@markusgruber4MonsterMinotaur WarriorCommon
3@Foxfiction1MonsterMinotaur WarriorCommon
4@Foxfiction3MonsterSPINEPACK WOLFCommon
6@heyimsnuffles3MonsterCrustacean KingCommon
7@Foxfiction4MonsterMALRIC INFERNORare
8@igel20173MonsterELEMENTAL PHOENIXLegendary
9@kobusu1MonsterCRUSTCEAN KINGCommon
9@kobusu4MonsterGOBLIN SHAMANCommon
10@kobusu1MonsterCRUSTCEAN KINGCommon
10@kobusu3MonsterANIMATED CORPSCommon
11@nolem2MonsterFERAL SPIRITCommon
11@nolem1MonsterSILVERSHIELD KNIGHTCommon
12@foxfiction4MonsterSPINEBACK TURTLECommon
13@poyim3MonsterPRIVATE CAPTAINCommon
14@poyim3MonsterPRIVATE CAPTAINCommon
15@poyim3MonsterFERAL SPIRITCommon
16@randumb2MonsterFERAL SPIRITCommon
17@onefatindian3MonsterSTONE GOLEMRare
18@poyim3MonsterFERAL SPIRITCommon
19@onefatindian4MonsterSTONE GOLEMRare
20@randumb4MonsterSilvershield WarriorCommon
21@onefatindian5MonsterMAGI OF THE FORESTEpic
22@randumb2MonsterTYRUS PALADIUMRare
23@poyim1MonsterFLESH GOLEMCommon
24@poyim2MonsterSILVERSHIELD KNIGHTCommon
25@onefatindian5SummonersALRIC STORMBRINGERRare
26@variola2MonsterSILVERSHIELD KNIGHTCommon
27@onefatindian4MonsterWATER ELEMENTALRare
28@randumb2MonsterGIANT ROCKCommon
29@poyim2MonsterSkeleton AssassinCommon
30@onefatindianxMonsterGold DragonLegendary
31@jeenger1MonsterSERPENTINE SOLDIERRare
32@onefatindian4MonsterSERPENTINE SOLDIER GOLDRare
33@poyim3MonsterMAGI OF THE FORESTEpic
34@poyim1MonsterGOBLIN SORCERERCommon
35@onefatindian5MonsterFIRE DEMONEpic
36@onefatindian5MonsterFROZEN SOLDIERRare
37@onefatindian1MonsterKOBOLD MINERCommon
38@lebenaufachsen3MonsterMinotaur WarrirorCommon
39@jeenger1MonsterMinotaur WarrirorCommon
40@sparkesy431MonsterKOBOLD MINERCommon
41@jeenger5MonsterMinotaur WarriorCommon
42@poyimBeta Boosterpack

Winners of Powerbonus

(Started at game 15)


Winners of surprise bonus


Winners of Loyalty Power

(Started at round 7)



images and content by @jeenger


I finally got all four. I chose the #5

Thank you for making the rules clear to understand and more interactive. The new rules will help you out but also connect us as Steemmonster enthusiast. You're brillaint @jeenger.


Awe. I just woke up. Good morning and well done on getting all 4 bugs. :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hello @Poyim, it's probably lunch time with him! I was on the road all day today! Did you see the other questions?

For me it's already past midnight. So I say hello and good night!

I did see the other question. I have no idea where that picture is taken, but cute story. I like the quote.
Good night!

Nicely done, @randumb! 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @onefatindian, nice to hear from you! Did you see the other questions? There is still a lot to bring!

Hi @randumb, Thanks for the nice words.

You did a good job and found all four mistakes. Congratulations! The game lasts a few hours before I make the summary.

Normally you would have to sign up in the startup commentary so as not to lose your claim! As I have said many times, I do not like to ask someone or even be asked to. I change the rules from now on, that this is no longer necessary.

Now my motto is true: Feel free from any obligation!

Thanks for the game and have a lot of fun!

@jeenger, Great to see one more round and in my opinion this time you've made some format change in this post when it comes to text and in my opinion it's reflecting effective.

And for sure that picture is really unique and i don't know why but, i didn't find any flaw but as usual good luck to others.

And i really liked how you explained in the AIM section and for sure Fun is ultimate aspect of life.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Hello @chireerocks,

Thanks for the kind words.
Yes, I have completely revised the text. I hope he became more understandable.

I often try to solve everyday problems with funny little jokes. Unfortunately, we humans are often not programmed for fun! Just why?
I think you could write books about it.

I wish you a lot of fun and a nice day.

Welcome and thank you so much for these words. Stay blessed. 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

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Bildprüfung abgeschlossen! Viel Glück und habe Spaß!

Image verification complete! Good luck and have fun!


#5 please and thank you

Posted using Partiko iOS

Card #4!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @jeenger,

Here are my answer for the other questions:

Well, @jeenger, you REALLY surprised me because I have no idea where this picture was taken lol I can only imagine that you took the picture somewhere in Germany. It's a tough one, for sure! I really like the chair though, as it's made out of driftwood - which I think looks incredible as furniture.

Lol that's a really funny saying. I think the statement is meant to be direct and easy to understand. I believe the artist implies "stupid", in this case, because I think both the artist and his/her partner created this graffiti image together! It's like the saying, "like two peas in a pod"... they belong together, and maybe the universe brought them together. Who knows how many other "stupid" things they've done together hehe


Hi @onefatindian,

Surprise Bonus
Germany is right! The bank is located in the old town of Dusseldorf.

special bonus
That's what I call a cool description!
That's what I thought:
Just plaster the wall again and again. I'll come and paint pictures on the wall again. That means: I'm stupid, but so are you, because you're always plastering the wall. LOL

But I also see a deeper meaning. It could also be that he thinks we humans are all stupid. We only know fractions! And together we are not that stupid!

Have a nice day.

Ohhh, I see what you're saying now - about plastering up the wall over and over, while the artist just puts graffiti on it over and over lol

I like your interpretation too :D

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