Get Well Soon My Youngest Child


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Cuaca hari ini tampaknya tak seperti kemarin, terkadang pagi yang cerah dapat berubah sekejap menjadi gelap, angin terus membawa kumpulan awan hitam menjadi hujan lebat, tapi entahlah...! Aku hanya menjalani hari ini dengan penuh harapan, semoga saja anak bungsuku kembali sehat dan beraktivitas seperti biasanya.

Beranjak dari tempat tidur yang empuk karena terdengar suara lirih dibalik gorden pintu kamar, "Ayah... Ayah... Bangunlah... Kaiz mau ke kamar mandi' Ucap anak bungsuku yang terbaring lemah dari semalam karena suhu tubuhnya meningkat.

Dengan berjalan tertatih, aku menuju ruang tamu, tetapi kaiz tak berada disana, aku mulai panik dan mencari ke kamar sebelah, ke kamar mandi dan dapur, tapi tak kunjung ketemu.

"Kaiz... Kamu dimana nak?'" aku memanggilnya dengan suara lantang, "aku disini ayah... Kaiz dikamar", akhirnya aku dapat menghela nafas panjang ketika mendengar suaranya, dan ternyata anakku bersembunyi dibalik selimut tebal diatas ranjangnya.

"Ada apak nak?' Tangan kiriku menarik selimut tebal, sementara tangan kanan meraba pipi dan keningnya. Ternyata suhu tubuhnya masih terasa hangat, dan kubuka lemari obat yang terpajang disudut kamar. Pikiranku menerawang memikirkan dimana thermometer disimpan ibunya, aku melihat berulang kali, dan akhirnya menemukan thermometer digital berwarna putih - hijau muda.

"Ayo nak, angkat lenganmu, ayah akan memeriksa suhu tubuhmu", dia pun menurutinya dan memasukkan alat ini di ketiaknya sampai suara bib...bib... berbunyi. Huuhhh.... Aku kesal! Termometernya rusak dan aku tidak dapat menggunakannya. Kemudian aku pun menggendongnya ke kamar mandi untuk buang air kecil.

Saya pun kembali membaringkannya dikamar, membuka bajunya dan begitu pula denganku, aku merangkul badannya dan memeluk dengan erat, " ini akan lebih baik untuk menenangkannya dan meskipun secara medis tidak dijelaskan secara terperinci hubungan penurunan suhu tubuh melalu skin to skin." Terbesit dalam benakku.
Aku dan si bungsu pun kembali terlelap melanjutkan tidur malam yang sempat tertunda.

Hari mulai gelap ketika ku terbangun, sementara anakku masih tertidur disampingku, tubuhnya telah membaik dan aku berfikir bahwa dia akan kembali sehat seperti sebelumnya. Sementara intriku sedang sibuk didapur menyiapkan menu makan malam untuk kami.

"sayang... pulang kerja jam berapa? kok kami tidak dibangunkan?" Tanyaku pada istri, dia hanya tersenyum dan menjawab "tadi kulihat kalian tertidur pulas, kaiz pun suhu tubuhnya sudah pulih kembali, jadi aku tidak ingin mengganggu tidur kalian".

Saya berharap badai deman segera berlalu dan saya dapat menjalankan rutinitas dengan normal.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

 5 days ago 

Assalamu Alaikum sir. Very sorry to hear that your youngest son has fever. In fact, when little children feel bad, father and mother are most stressed. Although I think you have a good experience with the treatment. So you have taken the necessary measures for your son's treatment while there is still time. I hope a responsible father like you will be very attentive to his children all the time.

 5 days ago 

As a newlywed, you will go through this phase and be sure that you must be sensitive to the conditions that occur to your child later, especially as you are also a career woman like my wife.

The role of parents is very important to ensure their health and they can share roles when one of the family members is sick.

Small things that are considered trivial can sometimes bring disaster, there are several cases of increasing body temperature in babies, but they are not handled properly so that the temperature continues to increase and results in steps.

This condition can interfere with the function of the baby's brain development in the future, the same symptoms can occur again and even some cases will become epilepsy.

 5 days ago 

You are right sir, trivial things sometimes bring disaster in our life but I have been victim of such a situation when my father had heart attack. He is now suffering from heart disease due to his erratic eating habits.

But I am always responsible to myself and to each member of the family. And in the future when my family will grow by the grace of Allah, I will try to fulfill the responsibilities of a guardian properly.

 5 days ago 

May you soon be blessed with a baby and your happiness will be complete with its birth.

 5 days ago 

In-Shah-Allah. thank you sir


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Have you consulted a doctor for your son's treatment? Please don't overlook your child's health in any aspect.

I am sending my sincerest prayers for your son's speedy recovery.

 7 days ago 

I have been giving self-medication at home, since his body temperature started to increase, I have given Acetylsalicylic acid in the form of lozenges, I avoid using parecetamol syrup because of its content even though the prostaglandin content can help overcome the symptoms that occur.

I have also used warm compresses and herbal oils, thank God it has been resolved well.

Oh yes ... Thank you for your attention, nice to know you here.

You are absolutely right. To be honest, I'm more concerned because my younger son went through a similar ordeal last month, suffering from severe fever (malaria). Thankfully, he recovered after taking antibiotic syrup. But those three days were etched in my memory, seeing him cry in pain.

Perhaps you have a good understanding of medications. It's great that you're taking charge of your child's care personally. And with Allah's blessing, he will recover soon.

 7 days ago 

I work in a hospital and deal with patients every day, but I don't write about health for patient privacy reasons.

Currently, morbidity rates continue to increase due to climate change and generally affect children, seasonal diseases such as respiratory disorders rank highest in visits.

Recently I have not been on duty in medical services, but I am more focused on improving the quality of health facility services so that patients are well served according to standard operating procedures.

Hi @irawandedy, sorry that I am entering in the middle of your conversation but just wanted to add here that you having experience as a nurse know how and what to do in case of people having fever. The same time it is completely different if it is your own child and I can imagine that it is even more worries because it is almost you feel how your little one suffers.Currently everything is changing in this world, we see diseases that were seldom before and people react more intense. I am wishing your baby to get better soon,

 5 days ago (edited)

Giving action to your own child will be faced with psychological issues, but despite the anxiety that arises, I try to provide basic services to overcome the symptoms.

I am grateful everything has gotten better. Thanks for stopping by here

 7 days ago 

I'm glad to know that you're associated with the medical field. And it's also great that you consider patients' privacy along with their health. You're right that children are more affected by the change in weather.

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