Who Is Lance Gloor?

in #cannabis6 years ago

Happy Weedsday All You Beautiful People !!!
I want to share with y'all today about a mothers pain. A mothers pain is a pain like no other; often it comes with those helpless and lost feelings too. This story I am sharing you today is about a mom I have had the pleasure of speaking to for hours and I've had the opportunity to see her heart and I know it is filled with love for her son. Her sons name is Lance Gloor. This is Tracie's Story.

Lance Gloor is a very strong-willed person with the God given motivational gift of Compassion.
Being strong-willed, Lance is a very determined person who doesn’t give up easily. He is not lazy about what he wants. Lance has the ability to make a “dream” come true. Therefore, he sticks to a “dream” until it becomes a reality.
Lance became interested in marijuana/cannabis and the many benefits it safely provides people of all ages. He became aware of the facts that this God created plant not only provides quality to people’s lives, it also provides quantity to people’s lives. His “dream” of helping others in this field became more important.
Having the God given motivational gift of compassion, Lance is compassionate, sensitive and aware of the needs and feels the hurts of others. Lance is a kind hearted, gentle and caring man, willing to sacrifice his own needs to help someone else.
Because Lance realized there is an immeasurable need for people to have a safe and legal access to the benefits of Medical Marijuana/Cannabis he desired to make this happen. With the legal advice of the highly respected law firm, Harris Moure, his “dream” of helping others and operating Washington State LEGAL became a reality.
Lance could now be there for others in need. He would be able to come alongside others and help them to bear their burdens with events, including but not limited to, food drives, clothing drives, toy drives, school supply drives, holiday meal giveaways, paying for grocery shopping, utility bills, funeral costs, and medication. All of this required “team” work.
Then the turmoil in the form of raids began to take place in Washington State, Thurston County and the City of Lacey dropped all charges. The DOJ picked up the case. Because of Lance’s strong-will to make a decision and stick to it, his integrity, loyalty and his compassion to help and not harm others, he chose not to take any of the numerous deals offered to him by the Prosecutor, Vince Lombardi.
Because Lance is strong-willed and compassionate, he feels the need to stand up for what and who he believes in during these very difficult times. “ONE TEAM ONE DREAM”.
This brings Lance to the present. My son, Lance Gloor was sentenced on June 3, 2016 by the Honorable Judge Leighton to 10 years in Federal Prison plus 5 years probation for helping others via Washington State Legal Medical Marijuana Dispensary. His charges are conspiracy to distribute & also manufacture marijuana. Conspiracy charges carries a 5 year mandatory minimum sentence. The highly respected and recommended Jeffrey Kradel from Kradel Defense is Lance’s legal counsel currently.
I believe Judge Leighton wasn’t given a fair opportunity to know the real Lance Gloor. Instead he had to listen to the prosecution team & longtime family friends turn against Lance as Federal witnesses that spoke words only to protect and save themselves and their futures as free men.
Lance choose to go to trial and stand up for the MMJ industry! Lance choose not to accept the numerous deals offered to him by Vince Lombardi, the prosecutor! Why? Lance genuinely cares about & believes in the MMJ industry as a whole.
The entire court room was in complete shock when Judge Leighton sentenced Lance plus denied his Stay. NON VIOLENT. NO CRIME. NO VICTIM. Well actually there are now VICTIMS = Lance, his family and friends. Lance’s daughter, Ashley, was denied having her dad at her high school graduation June 18. Ashley left for college July 10 without being able to share a see you later hug with her dad. My parents are aging family members whom Lance was their part time care givers. As Lance’s mother I am heartbroken beyond words. Our family is incomplete without Lance. In our opinion, there was no justice served with this sentence and the denial of his stay!
PLEASE HELP GET MY SON, LANCE GLOOR RELEASED. He is currently sitting behind bars at the Federal Correction Institute Sheridan due to a denied appeal on his Stay by Judge Leighton on September 8. Lance was also denied his right to receive an evidentiary hearing by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Both of the co defendants were sentenced to 4 years probation only due to the fact they cooperated with the prosecution team.
Lance does not deserve to be behind bars for operating Washington State Legal under the legal counsel of the highly respected Harris Moure Law Firm in Seattle.
Have you ever been so sad that it physically hurts inside? It hurts so bad you struggle to breathe?
Thank you for your time and help with this very sensitive and highly important history making case involving Washington State Legal Medical Marijuana.
Tracie Gloor on behalf of Lance Gloor and his family and friends
Freedom does matter ! If you dont have the ability to use a plant that works better for you than what Big Pharma pushes out and forces as the only solution then you are NOT free. If you don't know a lot about Cannabis and how it can help a sick body become well, I encourage you to dig deeper, become more curious and see why so many people swear by it in their lives. Seek out the knowledge! It is there for the TAKING !!! I want to give a Tracie Gloor-Pike a huge thank you for allowing me to use her story to spread awareness that we shouldn't be locking people in cages for this plant that is a miracle in many peoples lives.

By Rena McCain
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