Why you've all drunk your own Urine, and how it can bring amazing benefits and cures!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

More than any other method, urine therapy represents the principles of natural medicine. One's own urine is a specific medicine for anyone who is ill. It is made for him or her personally and is just right for what he or she needs at the present moment, because it changes its composition all the time. It is not only something that cures, but it also sustains health when taken as a preventative. Taken energetically, one could consider urine to be an exact hologram of both healthy as well as diseased body fluids. All information from the body fluids is collected and stared in the urine. One's own urine is the best medicine for the kidneys that we could imagine. It is clear for any holistic health practitioner that all cycles within the body are interconnected, and this means that the healing of one of those cycles will have a positive effect on the others. Urine was often used at the front, for lack of other medication and as a disinfectant for surgery instruments.

Urine is a sort of information card which registers the condition of the blood. When that information is carried back to the body, the body can consequently react according to this feedback; it will normally do this in an appropriate and precise way. The body is an extremely advanced and intelligent system.

My Grandma turned 90 this year, sadly I wasn’t able to be with her this year. The last time I saw her, about four years ago, she came over to see me at my mum's house. She was looking good considering her age, but when I asked her how she was she said she was "feeling tired".

"Oh I understand" I said, assuming it was because she was pretty old!

"Yes, she then continued", "I’ve just come from the gym, and yesterday had my salsa class!"

Oh wOw! Supergran I call her! It was my Grandma, Ruth, that brought Urine therapy to my attention many years ago, and she used to drink hers when she was younger. As a Biology graduate I was able to delve into the science of this, and understand a little more what was going on. So much so that I ended up trying it myself a few times, although ive never been a regular drinker! Nevertheless, this is precious stuff, and I would like to try to explain why this is the case in my own words and also from a few great resources on the subject. Id also like to explain just a bit of science, but in Very simple terms! Can I convince you that urine is an amazing healing tonic.. lets see?

The Science!

Lets get one thing out the way first! Fresh urine is one of the very few naturally sterlie liquids that we have in our world. Rather than thinking of urine as pure toxic waste (as we do faeces or poo), we should instead think of it as what it really is, which is filtered blood. That is how urine is made, in the kidneys from the blood passing through the many small tubes. Unlike poo, urine is not derived from undigested waste food at all! It is derived from an incredibly complex process of osmosis and other systems to keep our blood balanced with water, minerals, salts, and hormones. If you break it down, urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones and enzymes. Only urea , the substance after which urine is named, can be poisonous when present in the blood. However, this is irrelevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put back in the bloodstream and is digested in the stomach.

Ok so here is the best way I can try to demonstrate to you that urine is very special indeed. If you understand biology and evolution you will know that there is not much about us that is here by accident, and the way our bodies have evolved have taken millions of years. It is also fair to say that the reproductive organs and men's sperm in particular are VERY precious and nature takes many precautions to keep the male sperm safe, and happy! So, bearing that in mind let me show you something :


Ok let us follow the path of the sperm to the penis. Not a long distance at all! Sperm originates in the Testicles, and and passes through the vas deferens tubes. These tubes go through the seminal vesicle and mix with semen fluid. Now what happens next folks? Does the sperm travel out in its own little pipe, no it doesn’t! Our precious seeds of life then fork and merge right into the Urethra, the very same tube that our urine passes out of! Well what do you know? Let me tell you, if nature is happy to pass our sperm through the same tubes as our pee, then we had better take notice! This is a message ;_)

If that wasn't enough, did you know that amniotic fluid that a baby drinks and lives in when in the womb is 95% urine!!!!?? Oh yes, you've all drunk your own urine for 9 months when you were a foetus.

Oh and by the way most animals
drink their own or friends pee all the time! I’ve seen it on the beach with cows. One cow gives a signal they are going to pee, then another cow comes up behind and drinks it all!

There are different reasons why you might try urine therapy, as it can be used for a range of treatments.

  • Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many deficiencies.
  • All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added.
  • Urine contains antibodies which can reduce allergies.
  • Trembling hands and knees can be helped by washing, and rubbing one's own warm urine into the skin directly after one has urinated.
  • An universal and excellent remedy for all distempers inward and outward.
  • Drink your own urine in the morning for nine days and it can cure scurvy!
  • It is effective against Jaundice.
  • Wash your ears with it warm and it is good against deafness noises and most other ailments in the ears.
  • Wash your eyes with your own water and it cures sore eyes and clears and strengthens the sight.
  • Wash and rub your hands with it, and it takes away numbness, chaps and sores and makes the joints limber.
  • Wash any wound with it to keep it clean and heal quickly.
  • Wash any part that itches and it takes the itch away.
  • It is good against piles and other sores when applied topically.
  • Gargling with urine is an effective way to fight gum problems or other month and tongue disorders. In addition, toothaches disappear quickly and teeth stay healthy. After gargling, spit the urine out again.
  • Painful, burning and tired eyes can be relieved by applying a few drops of fresh or boiled urine to the eyes.
  • For those who value smooth, flawless skin and a healthy appearance massaging fresh urine daily into the skin in the morning or in the evening is recommended.
  • This is an excellent remedy for dandruff, lifeless hair and even baldness and hair loss.
  • Drinking Urine is a good alternative wherever water is scarce.
  • A cure for cancer!

It is generally not recommended to combine urine therapy with the use of (prescribed) chemical allopathic medicines or recreational drugs. The combination may be dangerous to your health. If you are taking any form of allopathic medicine, begin with the external application (urine massage) until you are free of all medication, if possible.

About Urine Therapy

How many people do you know who have drunk enough urine to really know what it tastes like? Probably not too many. Rubbing a drop into the and first smelling your own urine can help you to overcome part of the barrier. Really, it often does not smell bad at all. Many people even like its sometimes sweet odour, I would say it smells like pineapple juice! The smell largely depends on your diet and hydration! WHen i had a raw food diet for 2 weeks I remeber it tasted sweet!

More extensive massaging of urine into your skin is also a good way to become accustomed to your life water. How can you overcome feelings of aversion to drinking your own golden elixir? Start by drinking a drop then a sip each day and slowly build up to a fill glass of urine. This is the most comfortable way to allow your body, mind and soul to become accustomed to this therapy.

While practising the more intensive form of urine therapy follow a diet low in protein and salt. Avoid refined pre-processed and synthetic foods such as sugar, white flour, and canned foods. Herbs (also in herbal tea) might cause the urine to taste sharp and bitter making it more difficult to drink. Some urine herapists advise against drinking milk, primarily because dairy products are processed and contain unnatural additives, and because milk produces a great deal of mucus in the body. In general, it is advisable to decrease the intake of acid-producing foods and to increase the intake of alkaline-promoting foods. Reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine to an absolute minimum. Urine therapy is most beneficial if your diet contains no alcohol, tobacco products, coffee, junk foods & meat.

Everything you eat and drink has an effect on your body and consequently on your urine. The healthier your dietary habits are, the better your urine will taste. Urine therapy in itself does not perform miracles. Unless you provide your body with the essential nutrients, it will not possess the raw materials needed to maintain good health. If you eat healthy and consciously, your urine will contain many essential nutrients which can be reused. Even so, the body may have a deficiency of certain nutrients if they are not supplemented by a complete range of foods. In the long run, this may result in illnesses and ailments. The human body is not made to digest and absorb the many harmful additives to which we are nowadays exposed. Chemical products and radiation added to food products have been proven to be harmful. The recommended range of foods consists of fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, seeds, nuts, bean, natural sweeteners such as honey, and a limited use of dairy products.

It is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet during intensive application of urine therapy. This means that it is best for you to refrain from eating all meat and dairy products, or at least reduce this to a mini-mum, especially if you practise the therapy for an extended period of time. This also applies if you are fasting or if you drink several glasses of urine per day. If you continue to eat meat, you probably have a high concentration of nitrogen wastes, uric acids and other acidic substances in your urine, which are not helpful when reingested in these large amounts. A surplus of these substances in the blood can lead to an abnormally high degree of acidity. The body consequently acidifies, creating a breeding ground for illnesses. The above mentioned substances in high concentrations cause the urine to taste extremely unpleasant. If you wish to keep eating meat, the best meat products are fish and fowl, free of hormones. Avoid foods containing refined flour products, white sugar and white rice. These nutrients also acidify the blood and body. Avoid processed & radiated foods, and foods which contain colourings or flavouring.

Here's a GREAT youtube on the subject!

I hope this post has helped you to see urine in a new light! We are often associate urine with the smell of stale old urine in a toilet.. but it is worth rethinking your association with it. Whilst you may not ever want to drink it, using it on cuts and wounds is a Very smart way to clean up in a difficult location. Whilst drinking it isn't for everyone, those people I have met who do always shine and glow!


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Err logically and biologically it makes sense, I just can’t move past urine being a waste product as in excess toxins etc need to come out somewhere. Probably why you mention a healthy diet is also essential. I have heard great things from whoever is daring enough to admit they’ve done it, still don’t think I’m game enough to give that one a whirl quite yet!

Fair enough! im sure you'll be fine without it!!! but if you ever cut yourself when your in the bush, or run out of water u might then do well to remember this post! ;-)

I have read a lot about the benefits of drinking your own urine and there are a few people that live near me that do, but I have never felt the need or want to try, but I do find it fascinating as it makes complete sense to me that our bodies provide us with what we need to heal xxx

yeah me too.. but there are so many times when i do use it.. cleaning wounds when your in the jungle is a good one.. and bathing in it.. dare it say it.. good for the skin!

Rubbing a drop into the and first smelling your own urine can help you to overcome part of the barrier.
Into where? The nose?
The yogic scriptures talk about drinking the midstream only, any scientific thoughts on that one?

yes i was going to mention that,..so good you did.. it has less uric acid.. its a sediment so if you drink the midstream you dont end up drinking so much of it..

I remember in the university someone made prank with warm apple juice lol. Fellow biologist here. I would drink in case of survival needs lol but yuck, sticking to mineral water.
Still excellently wrotten and thought provoking and the monkey pic made me laugh but nature is wise

An x girlfriend used to give me this therapy in the shower... seemed to have a potent medicinal effect... like viagra 😂

Excelent article, you make good points on here and it almost makes you want to start right now hahaha but meeehh i would only do it in emergency case

but still this is not the first time i read about the healty benefit of the urine so it is interesting

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helpful post...chain peoples are eating young urine doping eggs...

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