Meet The "Cleaners" (The New Thought Police)

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Anybody with a good sense of observation can immediately see that something is very wrong with the world. Even though the elites hear some lawmakers getting really worried and fearing that anger over inequality is approaching a ‘tipping point’*, wealth concentration is accelerating at record speed, and financial slavery shows no sign of slowing down. Capitalism cannot work without brainwashing people into consuming -- and we can definitely trust that the upcoming Black Friday sale event is set to be memorable again!

By 2030, members of the wealthiest one percent of the global population are projected to hold 64 percent — a full two-thirds — of the world’s wealth. .... The Global 1% Is Destroying Democracy

Most of lawmakers just want to keep their monthly bank deposits -- and perks -- coming in, and merely pretend that they care. World citizens have been raped from right and left beyond anything imaginable -- and reversing the tide is now completely impossible without going through a social break down. Personal responsibility is the only way to get out of the unprecedented and looming crisis. We ought to stand prepared, emotionally.

Their grip is ever strengthening. There is no end in sight. This outcome has been foreseeable all along though. The reality is that the meritocrats do not have any other option. Should they stop what they are doing, give us even a little bit slack, the global economy would crumble down like a series of dominoes. But while they are forced to resort to more shenanigans to cover up the previous ones, they all also expose themselves for who they really are.

Corporatism is fascism. Capitalism is socialism for the rich. Socialism is an illusion for the masses. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing about dinner. The majority can strip the minority as they see fit.

As long as money exists, collusion will continue to exist. So what is left is really a money-free (resource based) economy. Every framework shaping society today must be abandoned because they were designed by the same meritocratic class, to benefit them. To make money circulate between influential pals even faster, and keep people dreaming of freedom with a carrot and a stick.

Their latest trick is a very secretive and hidden industry which of course they have created with their billions of dollars ensuring them mass control. Money has always been such a tool, and it is about time to confront reality. World governments are very satisfied with corporations restricting people's ability to think for themselves. It is also diverting the attention but lawmakers are accomplices.

‘When we tried to promote the film in Germany and France via social media, we got the message after a short time that the trailer violated the community guidelines and was deleted. Sad but true! Intransparency is one of the main characteristics of the companies. That was very annoying and upsetting. (

How will a money-free society handle free speech?

Well it is a important question. Since banning thoughts does not work, first any idea promoting any form coercion and abuse will be heavily criticized and debunked by scholars or any individual willing to contribute.

But since education system itself needs to restart from scratch, philosophy will be taught in elementary schools already. Changing a mindset will take up to a generation, and be proven challenging every now and then, but considering the stakes, that is the only choice we have left. A money-free society will also be initiated by small towns first and expand from there.

The Cleaners - Official Trailer

16 November 2018 These are the ‘cleaners,’ the low-wage workers tasked with policing the images and content that everyone can view on social media. They work under the radar, wading through 25,000 images a day, taking mere seconds to decide what is and isn’t appropriate for platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Only three errors are permitted per month, and the content they view can include anything from beheadings and assaults to political cartoons. They are generally trained for just three to five days and bring to the job their own experiences and belief systems –subsequently influencing the lives and opinions of billions worldwide.

The film offers a dark and alarming look into the underbelly of the Internet – and it wasn’t easy to make, directors Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck tell' Director Block tells 'A lot of individuals as well as whole groups of our societies are secretly silenced with huge effects on our democracy'

“Not only can you not understand the world economy without placing corruption and kleptocracy right at the heart of it, you can’t understand contemporary authoritarians without placing corruption right at the heart of it, and you can’t understand contemporary foreign and domestic threats to the United States and the West without addressing corruption.” — Naomi Fowler

Psychologists Awaken To The Horror They Helped Create


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It always amazes me how ungrateful people can be. Capitalism has improved the lives of billions of souls. Billions of people are simply alive because of capitalism.

But no, these ungrateful assholes will just sit in their living rooms and bitch on the internet that capitalism created.

A money-free society will also be initiated by small towns first and expand from there.

Well, when are you gonna start living without money? You know instead of being an ungrateful hypocrite on this money based platform begging for pennies. Show us how great a money free lifestyle can be...

Capitalism has improved the lives of billions of souls. Billions of people are simply alive because of capitalism.

that must be why the planet is run by AN ORWELLIAN KLEPTOCRACY AND SYSTEMIC FRAUDS. You cannot even grasp the AI cyber prison taking shape, yep all done with power/money.

It surely looks like the Cleaners are doing a good job causing your intellectual blindness

stage 2

So I guess that is a no then. You are not going to give up your money. :-D

I don't blame you, it is a great tool.

Capitalism is an improvement relative to some other possibilities, of course, but you speak as though there is nowhere to go from here - as if we've reached the height of human interaction with capitalism.

Free exchange is appropriate, but the profit motive is not the most authentic representation of the human spirit. Just think of how you deal with family. If you have three cookies in your hand, and your kid walks in and says, "Ohhhhh! Can I have one?!" do you negotiate terms? Do you say, "I will give you a cookie, but there must be an even exchange (or even better, an uneven exchange to my benefit)"? Of course not. You share freely because that child is one of "your" people. Of course, if the guy down the block wants cookies, he's going to have to pay for them.

So this differentiation is the problem. If all the world treated each other like family, we'd have a free market, but not rooted in a stern adherence to the idea of even exchange. That balance can come in a broader "pay it forward" way. It requires that givers give freely, but also that takers take responsibly. Of course, humanity is not ready for this because they've been trained to maximize their advantage by grasping at anything they can get, but each of us may come to this realization and lead by example as best we can.

For instance, I do not assert any claims to intellectual property. Anything I put out may be freely used without compensation, or even permission. I give it away freely, and you may choose to sell it. If you do, I would have words for you in an effort to make you see the error of this approach, but I will not attempt to employ personal or state violence to stop you.

Right now, we cannot survive without money. But that's because of the social conditions, not because it's necessary or inherently beneficial. To tell someone who's suggesting a new model to stop using money is telling them to die. It's like telling someone speaking out against taxation that they should die in a shootout with police coming to arrest them for evasion - why should the innocent be made to die at the hand of the guilty? Instead of being so eager to tell the victim that they must sacrifice everything to prove their moral point, why not tell the aggressor that they must sacrifice their personal gain for the sake of humanity's uplift?

That is a very nice sentiment.

The problem arises with the realization that resources are limited. It has nothing to do with "grasping at anything they can get". You only have so much to share until you have nothing left to share. Then what do you do when someone asks you for a cookie? You don't have any more. There is a line of people whom you love like your own family that want a cookie, but you have none to give. How will you decide who gets the few cookies you have, and who will not get any cookies from you? You love everyone equally, but some won't be getting a cookie from you. How will you decide?

Money and the free market pricing system solves this very basic problem. All economic goods are limited. Giving them a price will allow anyone willing to pay that price to get some of that resource. And the seller of the resource sets his price he is willing to accept for his resource. So you can charge a dollar for each cookie, and then use the proceeds to buy more baking goods to make more cookies. If your cookies are good enough and people are willing to buy your cookies for a dollar, then perhaps you will make some extra money for your efforts. And you can now do more with your added capital, perhaps buy a store to sell your cookies from...

Money and prices are completely necessary and beneficial.

Exchanges in the free market are beneficial to both sides. Each values what they get more than what they give, and everyone benefits.

Money and prices cannot be "necessary" because they are not naturally-occurring. Humanity could not have survived to this point if a fairly recent social development were necessary for them to function.

Money is an artificial construct, a symbol - it has no inherent value (as we've seen many times in various collapsing cultures). As such, it is not intrinsically connected to the sought value it represents, and thus may be manipulated in ways that items of true value cannot.

A hat covers your head. This is its value. This value is intrinsic to it, and cannot be manipulated. Time and time again, the potential for money to be manipulated has been used in the service of the few to the detriment of the many. Just investigate any of the central banks to see how this is disastrous for mankind, and creates a condition of de facto slavery.

There is no "free" market possible when the currency is controlled. A true free market would not have a regulated currency. And even if we did have a true free market, if the mentality of the people is "get as much as I can, while paying as little as I can" then they are not living up to their full potential.

As a species that thrives on cooperation, money is a roadblock to a full expression of our potential. I understand that the level of consciousness required for a non-monetary system of exchange to work seems far out of reach, but that doesn't mean that our current, degraded state is the best we can ever do.

Everything man does is "not natural". Your hat is not natural. It is an artificial construct that has no inherent value. People with cold heads may give it a higher subjective value than people with warm heads, but that is it. A hat's value changes from person to person depending on their immediate circumstances. The same is true of every other economic good, including money. They have no intrinsic value, just a particular value to a certain person at a particular time. And how much they value those things constantly change in relation to their changing circumstances.

Money was not created by government. Money was created by people freely trading. People trading freely expresses our cooperative nature. And money enhances that nature.

The level of consciousness needed for a non-monetary system is not that high. It is extremely low on efficiency. Our modern world would not exist without money to smooth the transaction of resources and goods.

I noticed you ignored my cookie questions. When pondering a new economic system, these types of questions should not be ignored.

I agree that there is no truly free market. The amount of freedom lies along a spectrum from less free to more free. And history has shown us again and again, that the freer the market, the higher the standard of living. So it seems obvious to always push for freer markets. The battle is against those who want to curtail freedom for their personal gain.

What I'm describing as a hat's "inherent value" may better be described as "inherent potential". That potential requires a particular relationship to be expressed, but it is not merely a mental construct - it's a real property of the hat.

The inherent properties of a hat have value relative to the inherent properties of a human being - it's potential to benefit a person is inherent. We give off heat, and a hat traps that heat.Money has no inherent potential exceeding the properties of the paper it's printed on. Any additional value is imagined, and that figment only expresses in reality due to a shared imagining, or agreement. There need not be any imagining or agreement to benefit from a hat. We can be brain-dead and it still provides its benefit.

How will you decide who gets the few cookies you have, and who will not get any cookies from you?

I don't think it matters how you decide, because there's nothing just or unjust about giving things away freely. If I have 5 cookies and 10 friends, the friends who don't get cookies weren't wronged or diminished in any way.

These kinds of questions are seeking a "system", and there need not be a system, just deep authenticity. At our most fundamental level, we are cooperative, kind, fair and understanding. Fear, ignorance and confusion are what obscure our true nature. In an authentic world, I could share freely knowing my fellow man will not let me go without, and knowing that none will take more than what's needed or reasonably desired. If I run out of cookies, then some people won't have cookies; but they'll have carrots, or pumpkins, or whatever other people have at the moment. An authentic being goes with the flow and would not lament the loss.

Resources are limited in absolute terms, but not in practical terms - there is plenty to go around, and more always growing. If we run out of metal, we'll use wood. If we run out of oil, we'll use electricity. It's not a big deal if people are rolling with the natural course of events, earnestly seeking the uplift of all, and are not bogged down in particular systems and constructs.

A means of exchange is not necessary - again, do you require your children to pay you for what you give them? Just expand this same courtesy to everyone and the world is harmonious and whole. The divisions that lie between us are a figment of our imagination, and are often put there by those people you mentioned - those who want to curtail freedom for their personal gain. Immorality is man's biggest problem by light years, and it's all rooted in FEAR (and the insecurity, ignorance, and confusion that result in not dealing with fear appropriately).

Money is born of insecurity. It's a way of hoarding value such that we may make exchanges without losing value. It's an assurance against loss via the immorality or lack of generosity of others. That means that morality and generosity (i.e. authenticity, or alignment with the truth of our nature) obviates money entirely. Even barter is unnecessary. I need not get something from you in order to give you something. I may eventually need someone to give to me, but it need not be you, and it need not always be in direct proportion to what I have given. If my farm has a better crop yield than anyone else's, then I may wind up giving more than I get overall, but so what? I will not go without in a world of authentic understanding of our cooperative nature.

Even under our current conditions of rampant, wide-spread fear-mongering cultural mind-control, I can look in any direction and see countless items given to me freely by friends and family. Imagine what we can do if we get back to our true nature and expand this consciousness outward.

What you seem to be describing is your hat's physical attributes, such as its ability to keep heat in. It was purposely built that way by humans. You won't find any hats in nature. So basically, a hat is a tool built by humans to help keep your head warm. It's value is that it has been built for a certain purpose.

You can really consider anything created by human as tools to accomplish a goal. Money is one of those tools. Sure you can complain that fiat money substitute is not real value, and you are correct. What we use for money nowadays are iou's for money with the iou removed. Those pieces of paper once promised precise amounts of gold or silver not too long ago. But now they can no longer be redeemed in lawful money. This is where you guys are having trouble. You think that these pieces of paper are money. They're not. Money is a tangible real commodity. Gold and silver have long been determined by the free market to be the best moneys.

I have found that you "no money" people have a very tenuous grasp of reality. There is NOT enough of resources to go around. Resources are limited absolutely, and practically, and by the physics by which our reality works. There is no way around this.

You "no money" people seem to not understand human nature at all, either. Time and time again, history has shown that people will not work if they are not rewarded for their efforts. Thinking that people will rise above their nature and do everything for the good of everyone all the time is simply delusional. You are setting yourself up for failure. And a slow death by starvation.

It is very nice to consider everyone in the world as your children. And almost all of your children won't be getting anything from you because you already gave away everything you have . Which of your children will have to do without? Will it be first come, first served? You say it doesn't matter if some will get nothing. What if they need food to survive another day? And you have given all your food away already? If you give all your food away to anyone who asks because they are the same as your own children, how will you eat? And if you don't eat, how will you tend your farm to get more food? Should you be considered selfish for keeping enough food for yourself, when others around you are hungry? How much food should you give each person? Is it up to you? Is it up to them?

What you seem to be describing is a gift economy. These exist at the fringes of civilization at the poorest, most useless areas of the earth. They exist within small groups that have almost nothing. These people live at the mercy of nature, and let me tell you...nature isn't merciful. If that's how you want to live, have at it. Travel up to the arctic circle and live with the inuit. That will be a very fast lesson on the advantages of a free market capitalist system.

Money is a tool that was born to fill a need. The need was people wanting to trade their goods for things they wanted. Using a particular thing as money, a most desired good, made trading simple. Pricing everything in this money makes it easy to decide if you will trade for it. Much time and effort is saved with this system. It has nothing to do with immorality or lack of generosity. Everyone can be generous and moral with a money system. You are free to give your money or goods to anyone you please in a money system. It is not the money stopping you, it is your nature. If you are rational, you know you must put aside some of your things for future consumption. This makes your future more secure. And with this added security, you can spend more of your time on building up civilization, donating your time to help others, or providing your skills to help. Money is a neutral tool. It can be used for good or evil. And it is absolutely necessary in our high tech world. It is an incredibly complex web of interactions between a vast amount of people around the world. It is a bit harder to operate than giving your kids a cookie when they ask for one.

This is all very reasonable, thank you. I want to be understood as saying that what I'm describing is an ideal that I see as not only possible, but the most authentic expression of true human nature (not the deplorable condition he has been in since the beginning of recorded history). Mankind is currently nowhere near authentic expression of that nature, and so I am not suggesting get rid of money today.

So much would have to happen first. A virtually ubiquitous recognition of our inherent connectivity must be established. Governments would have to be hundreds of years behind us, most likely. The dark souls that control the world today would have to be stricken from the Earth or utterly reformed. Deep "spirituality" (personal identification with something higher than mere carnal pleasure and survival) would have to be at the forefront of our society. Striving for material wealth as a primary goal would also have to be behind us. People would have to work from a place of true inspiration - and sometimes duty to their community - such that the work itself and what it directly produces is the goal, not tangential material rewards.

So yes, for the foreseeable future, you and I are in agreement. REAL money is a bridge that can carry us into that far-off future where the ideal I describe is more feasible. Fiat garbage has to go immediately, but that's another story.

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