Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences 2|2019-04-27

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Attraction centers and PT-symmetric delta-functional dipoles in critical and supercritical self-focusing media (1904.10821v1)

Li Wang, Boris A. Malomed, Zhenya Yan


We introduce a model based on the one-dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger equation (NLSE) with the critical (quintic) or supercritical self-focusing nonlinearity. We demonstrate that a family of solitons, which are unstable in this setting against collapse, is stabilized by pinning to an attractive defect, that may also include a parity-time (PT)-symmetric gain-loss component. The model can be realized as a planar waveguide in optics, and in a super-Tonks-Girardeau bosonic gas. For the attractive defect with the delta-functional profile, a full family of the pinned solitons is found in an exact form. In the absence of the gain-loss term, the solitons' stability is investigated analytically too, by means of the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion; in the presence of the PT-balanced gain and loss, the stability is explored by means of numerical methods. In particular, the entire family of pinned solitons is stable in the quintic medium if the gain-loss term is absent. A stability region for the pinned solitons persists in the model with an arbitrarily high power of the self-focusing nonlinearity. A weak gain-loss component gives rise to alternations of stability and instability in the system's parameter plane. Those solitons which are unstable under the action of the supercritical self-attraction are destroyed by the collapse. If the self-attraction-driven instability is weak and the gain-loss term is present, unstable solitons spontaneously transform into localized breathers. The same outcome may be caused by a combination of the critical nonlinearity with the gain and loss. Instability of the solitons is also possible when the PT-symmetric gain-loss term is added to the subcritical nonlinearity. The system with self-repulsive nonlinearity is briefly considered too, producing completely stable families of pinned localized states.

Multiple front standing waves in the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations (1804.01727v2)

Chao-Nien Chen, Eric Séré


There have been several existence results for the standing waves of FitzHugh-Nagumo equations. Such waves are the connecting orbits of an autonomous second-order Lagrangian system and the corresponding kinetic energy is an indefinite quadratic form in the velocity terms. When the system has two stable hyperbolic equilibria, there exist two stable standing fronts, which will be used in this paper as building blocks, to construct stable standing waves with multiple fronts in case the equilibria are of saddle-focus type. The idea to prove existence is somewhat close in spirit to [Buffoni-Sere, CPAM 49, 285-305]. However several differences are required in the argument: facing a strongly indefinite functional, we need to perform a nonlo-cal Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction; in order to justify the stability of multiple front standing waves, we rely on a more precise variational characterization of such critical points. Based on this approach, both stable and unstable standing waves are established.

Simple particle model for low-density granular flow interacting with ambient fluid (1302.0572v3)

Hirofumi Niiya, Akinori Awazu, Hiraku Nishimori


To understand the process of pattern formation in a low-density granular flow, we propose a simple particle model. This model considers spherical particles moving over an inclined flat surface based on three forces: gravity as the driving force, repulsive force due to particle collision, and drag force as the particle-- interaction through the ambient fluid. Numerical simulations of this model are conducted in two different types of two-dimensional planes, i.e., the monolayer was treated. In the horizontal plane parallel to the slope, particles aggregate at the moving front of the granular flow; and subsequently, flow instability occurs as a wavy pattern. This flow pattern is caused by the interparticle interaction arising from the drag force. Additionally, a vortex convection of particles is formed inside the aggregations. Meanwhile, in the vertical plane on the slope, particle aggregation is also found at the moving front of the granular flow. The aggregation resembles a head--tail structure, where the frontal angle against the slope approaches 60 degree from a larger angle as time progresses. Comparing the numerical result by varying the particle size, the qualitative dynamics of the granular flow are independent of size. To elucidate this reason, we perform a nondimensionalization for this model. The result indicates that our model can be simplified to dimensionless equations with one dimensionless parameter that represents the ratio of the gravity term to the excluded volume effect.

Metastability of quantum droplet clusters (1904.10050v1)

Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Boris A. Malomed, Lluis Torner


We show that metastable ring-shaped clusters can be constructed from two-dimensional quantum droplets in systems described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equations augmented with Lee-Huang-Yang quantum corrections. The clusters exhibit dynamical behaviours ranging from contraction to rotation with simultaneous periodic pulsations, or expansion, depending on the initial radius of the necklace pattern and phase shift between adjacent quantum droplets. We show that, using an energy-minimization analysis, one can predict equilibrium values of the cluster radius that correspond to rotation without radial pulsations. In such a regime, the clusters evolve as metastable states, withstanding abrupt variations in the underlying scattering lengths and keeping their azimuthal symmetry in the course of evolution, even in the presence of considerable perturbations.

Non-autonomous Turing conditions for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains (1904.09683v1)

Robert A. Van Gorder, Václav Klika, Andrew L. Krause


The study of pattern-forming instabilities in reaction-diffusion systems on growing or otherwise time-dependent domains arises in a variety of settings, including applications in developmental biology and experimental chemistry. Analyzing such instabilities is complicated, as there is a strong dependence of any spatially homogeneous base states on time, and the resulting structure of the linearized perturbations used to determine the onset of instability is inherently non-autonomous. We obtain general conditions for the onset and structure of diffusion driven instabilities in reaction-diffusion systems on domains which evolve in time, in terms of the time-evolution of the Laplace-Beltrami spectrum for the domain and functions which specify the domain evolution. Our results give sufficient conditions for diffusive instabilities phrased in terms of differential inequalities which are both versatile and straightforward to implement, despite the generality of the studied problem. These conditions generalize a large number of results known in the literature, such as the algebraic inequalities commonly used as sufficient criterion for the Turing instability on static domains, and approximate asymptotic results valid for specific types of growth, or specific domains. We demonstrate our general Turing conditions on a variety of domains with different evolution laws, and in particular show how insight can be gained even when the domain changes rapidly in time, or when the homogeneous state is oscillatory, such as in the case of Turing-Hopf instabilities.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

The spin Drude weight of the spin-1/2 chain: An analytic finite size study (1904.11253v1)

Andreas Klümper, Kazumitsu Sakai


The Drude weight for the spin transport of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain in the critical regime is evaluated exactly for finite temperatures. We combine the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz with the functional relations of type -system satisfied by the row-to-row transfer matrices. This makes it possible to evaluate the asymptotic behavior of the finite temperature spin Drude weight with respect to the system size. As a result, the Drude weight converges to the results obtained by Zotos (Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1764 (1999)), however with very slow convergence upon increase of the system size. This strong size dependence may explain that extrapolations from various numerical approaches yield conflicting results.

Branched Hamiltonians and time translation symmetry breaking in equations of the Lienard type (1904.11225v1)

A Ghose-Choudhury, Partha Guha


Shapere and Wilczek ( Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 160402 and 200402 (2012)) have recently described certain singular Lagrangian systems which display spontaneous breaking of time translation symmetry. We begin by considering the standard Lienard equation for which a Lagrangian is constructed by using the method of Jacobi Last Multiplier. The velocity dependance of the Lagrangian is such that the momentum may exhibit multivaluedness thereby leading to the so called branched Hamiltonian. Next with a quadratic velocity dependance in the Lienard equation one can construct a Hamiltonian description involving a position dependent mass. We compute the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of this system and show that the canonical Hamiltonian is single valued . However, we find that up to a constant shift, the square of this Hamiltonian describes systems giving rise to spontaneous time translation symmetry breaking provided the potential function is negative

Symmetries, integrals and hierarchies of new (3+1)-dimensional bi-Hamiltonian systems of Monge--Ampère type (1904.11174v1)

Mikhail Sheftel, Devrim Yazıcı


We study point symmetries, the corresponding conserved densities and hierarchies of four new bi-Hamiltonian heavenly systems in 3+1 dimensions which we discovered recently. We exhibit an important role played by the inverse recursion operators in the description of the hierarchies. Their use is twofold, either to provide the correct bi-Hamiltonian representation or to generate nonlocal symmetry flows. Invariant solutions w.r.t. nonlocal symmetries will generate (anti-)self-dual gravitational metrics which do not admit Killing vectors which is a characteristic feature of gravitational instanton.

Integrable Matrix Product States from boundary integrability (1812.11094v3)

B. Pozsgay, L. Piroli, E. Vernier


We consider integrable Matrix Product States (MPS) in integrable spin chains and show that they correspond to "operator valued" solutions of the so-called twisted Boundary Yang-Baxter (or reflection) equation. We argue that the integrability condition is equivalent to a new linear intertwiner relation, which we call the "square root relation", because it involves half of the steps of the reflection equation. It is then shown that the square root relation leads to the full Boundary Yang-Baxter equations. We provide explicit solutions in a number of cases characterized by special symmetries. These correspond to the "symmetric pairs" and , where in each pair the first and second elements are the symmetry groups of the spin chain and the integrable state, respectively. These solutions can be considered as explicit representations of the corresponding twisted Yangians, that are new in a number of cases. Examples include certain concrete MPS relevant for the computation of one-point functions in defect AdS/CFT.

Study of Non-Holonomic Deformations of Non-local integrable systems belonging to the Nonlinear Schrodinger family (1904.09641v1)

Indranil Mukherjee, Partha Guha


The non-holonomic deformations of non-local integrable systems belonging to the Nonlinear Schrodinger family are studied using the Bi-Hamiltonian formalism as well as the Lax pair method. The non-local equations are first obtained by symmetry reductions of the variables in the corresponding local systems. The bi-Hamiltonian structures of these equations are explicitly derived. The bi-Hamiltonian structures are used to obtain the non-holonomic deformation following the Kupershmidt ansatz. Further, the same deformation is studied using the Lax pair approach and several properties of the deformation discussed. The process is carried out for coupled non-local Nonlinear Schrodinger and Derivative Nonlinear Schrodinger (Kaup Newell) equations. In case of the former, an exact equivalence between the deformations obtained through the bi-Hamiltonian and Lax pair formalisms is indicated

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