Steemit Engagement Challenge Season2 #week2 | Markdown Style Contest: Cleaning Garbage in Lhokseumawe Reservoir and Ujong Blang Beach |


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Clean up Ujong Blang Beach in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia, with students and people who care about the environment.

In the last two weeks, I have participated in two environmental clean-up activities. The first is in Lhokseumawe Reservoir (Bahasa: Waduk) on June 12, 2022, and the latest on June 19, 2022, at Ujong Blang Beach, Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Actually, I wanted to make both posts, but I just realized that during the Lhokseumawe Reservoir activity, there were no photos of me cleaning up the trash. I forgot to ask the photographer to take pictures because at that time there was no announcement about this contest.

I attended an activity to clean the Lhokseumawe Reservoir from garbage to cover student activities at the Malikussaleh University. They took this action because based on research, the water in the Lhokseumawe Reservoir was contaminated with microplastics. Read more about the research results in the post: Jambo Aye River Contaminated by Three Microplastics: Environment Day 2022.

The levels of microplastics in the Lhokseumawe Reservoir are already worrying. However, there are still many people who keep fish and look for oysters there. In Lhokseumawe Reservoir, residents keep fish in cages and look for oysters. How dangerous it is when microplastics enter the body. So far, there has been no warning from the local government so that residents do not eat fish from the Lhokseumawe Reservoir.

In activities at the Lhokseumawe Reservoir, in addition to cleaning plastic waste, we also conduct socialization to existing visitors to dispose of garbage in the places provided. In addition, we also distribute non-plastic containers to residents that can be used many times. We campaign for the reduction of plastic-based goods.

Lhokseumawe Reservoir is now a favorite place for residents to jog or cycle. Piles of garbage at several points make the location uncomfortable and sometimes even smell bad, especially in the rainy season.

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Lifting heavy garbage in Ujong Blang Beach.

Sword trash at Ujong Blang Beach

On Sunday, June 19, 2022, we again carried out trash cleaning activities at Ujong Blang Beach with students and people who care about the environment. Alumni from the Faculty of Engineering, Malikussaleh University, Azhari, came with members of the Azhari Foundation. "We care about the cleanliness of the beach which is one of the destinations in Lhokseumawe," said Azhari.

I came with my wife and two sons. From night to morning, the city of Lhokseumawe was drizzled by drizzling rain. We arrived at Ujong Blang Beach around 07.30 and got T-shirts and hats. This beach clean-up activity is included in the series of 53rd Anniversary of Malikussaleh University which is supported by a number of parties.

The Head of Public Relations of Malikussaleh University, @teukukemalfasya, said that Ujong Blang Beach was chosen because it is one of the residents' favorite weekend locations. "But the condition of the beach is very dirty with garbage," he said.

We divided the team into two groups. One group headed east and another group headed west. Each group brought a large plastic bag as a container to collect garbage. We are provided with plastic gloves to avoid various dirt.

In contrast to the waste in the Lhokseumawe Reservoir, which is mostly plastic, the waste at Ujong Blang Beach is in the form of coconut shells that are thrown away carelessly, the rest is plastic used for packaged food or drinks. A large amount of coconut shell waste proves that the sellers of food and drinks on the beach, who are local residents, do not have the awareness to keep the environment clean. Even though they are looking for money there for the family. The cleaner it is, the more visitors, and the luckier the residents on the beach.

We reduce our use of plastic by bringing drinks in large containers. Volunteers who take part in cleaning up the environment are prohibited from bringing packaged drinks made of plastic but must bring large containers that can be used permanently.

In addition, for rice, we also use banana leaf wrappers, not containers made of Styrofoam which can actually damage the environment. After about three hours of cleaning the beach, we returned to our respective homes. We hope that this activity will become a powerful campaign media so that residents have the awareness to dispose of in the space provided.

When we take care of the earth, the earth will take care of us.[]

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Some photos of cleaning activities at Ujong Blang beach in Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Steemit Engagement Challenge Season2 #week2 | Markdown Style Contest: Membersihkan Sampah di Waduk Lhokseumawe dan Pantai Ujong Blang

Dalan dua pekan terakhir ini, saya mengikuti dua kali kegiatan bersih lingkungan. Pertama di Waduk Lhokseumawe pada 12 Juni 2022 dan yang terbaru pada 19 Juni 2022 di Pantai Ujong Blang Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Sebenarnya, saya ingin membuat kedua postingan, tetapi baru sadar ternyata pada kegiatan di Waduk Lhokseumawe, tidak ada foto saya yang sedang membersihkan sampah. Saya lupa meminta fotografer untuk memotret karena ketika itu belum ada pengumuman tentang kontes ini.

Saya menghadiri kegiatan membersihkan Waduk Lhokseumawe dari sampah untuk meliput kegiatan mahasiswa Universitas Malikussaleh. Mereka melakukan aksi tersebut karena berdasarkan penelitian, air di Waduk Lhokseumawe sudah tercemar mikroplastik. Selengkapnya tentang hasil penelitian tersebut dapat dibaca pada postingan: Jambo Aye River Contaminated by Three Microplastics: Environment Day 2022.

Kadar mikroplastik yang ada di Waduk Lhokseumawe sudah mengkhawatirkan. Namun, masih banyak warga yang memelihara ikan serta mencari tiram di sana. Di Waduk Lhokseumawe, warga memelihara ikan dalam keramba serta mencari tiram. Betapa bahayanya ketika mikroplastik masuk ke tubuh. Sejauh ini, belum ada peringatan dari pemerintah setempat agar warga tidak mengonsumsi ikan dari Waduk Lhokseumawe.

Dalam kegiatan di Waduk Lhokseumawe, selain membersihkan sampah plastik, kami juga melakukan sosialisasi kepada pengunjung yang ada agar membuang sampah di tempat yang sudah disediakan. Selain itu, kami juga membagikan wadah non-plastik kepada warga yang bisa digunakan berkali-kali. Kami mengkampanyekan pengurangan barang berbahan dasar plastik.

Waduk Lhokseumawe kini menjadi tempat favorit warga untuk jogging atau bersepeda. Tumpukan sampah di beberapa titik membuat lokasi itu menjadi tidak nyaman bahkan terkadang menimbulkan aroma tak sedap, apalagi di musim hujan.

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Tumpukan sampah sebelum diangkut ke tempat pembuangan akhir.

Sampah pedang di Pantai Ujong Blang

Pada Ahad, 19 Juni 2022, kami kembali melakukan kegiatan membersihkan sampah di Pantai Ujong Blang bersama mahasiswa dan masyarakat peduli lingkungan. Alumni Fakultas Teknik Universitas Malikussaleh, Azhari, datang bersama anggota Azhari Foundation. “Kami peduli dengan kebersihan pantai yang menjadi salah satu destinasi di Lhokseumawe,” ujar Azhari.

Saya datang bersama istri dan dua anak lelaki. Sejak malam sampai pagi, Kota Lhokseumawe diguyur hujan gerimis. Kami sampai di Pantai Ujong Blang sekitar pukul 07.30 dan mendapatkan kaos serta topi. Kegiatan bersih pantai ini termasuk dalam rangkaian peringat Dies Natalis ke-53 Universitas Malikussaleh yang didukung oleh sejumlah pihak.

Kepala Kehumasan Universitas Malikussaleh, @teukukemalfasya, mengatakan Pantai Ujong Blang dipilih karena termasuk salah satu lokasi favorit warga berakhir pekan. “Tapi kondisi pantai sangat kotor dengan sampah,” katanya.

Kami membagi tim menjadi dua kelompok. Satu kelompok menuju arah timur dan satu kelompok lagi menuju barat. Setiap kelompok ada yang membawa kantong plastik besar sebagai wadah menampung sampah. Kami dibekali sarung tangan plastik agar terhindar dari berbagai kotoran.

Berbeda dengan sampah di Waduk Lhokseumawe yang sebagian besar merupakan plastik, sampah di Pantai Ujong Blang berupa batok kelapa yang dibuang sembarangan, selebihnya plastik bekas makanan atau minuman kemasan. Banyaknya sampah batok kelapa membuktikan penjual makanan dan minuman di tepi pantai yang merupakan warga setempat, belum memikiki kesadaran menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Padahal mereka mencari uang di sana untuk keluarga. Kalau semakin bersih, semakin banyak pengunjung, maka semakin beruntung warga di tepi pantai.

Kami mengurangi penggunakan plastik dengan membawa minum dalam wadah besar. Para relawan yang ikut membersikan lingkungan dilarang membawa minuman kemasan berbahan plastik, tetapi harus membawa wadah besar yang bisa digunakan secara permanen.

Selain itu, untuk nasi kami juga menggunakan bungkus daun pisang, bukan wadah berbahan styrofoam yang justru bisa merusak lingkungan. Setelah melakukan kegiatan bersih pantai sekitar tiga jam, kami pun kembali ke rumah masing-masing. Kami berharap, kegiatan ini menjadi media kampanye yang ampuh agar warga memiliki kesadaran untuk membuang pada tempat yang disediakan.

Ketika kita menjaga bumi, maka bumi akan menjaga kita.[]

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Students pick up plastic waste in Lhokseumawe Reservoir, Aceh, Indonesia.

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Lihatlah, lihatlah, betapa banyak sampah plastik di Waduk Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Katanya kebersihan sebagian dari iman, faktanya?

 2 years ago 

Hello 👋 greetings brother

I see you guys where involved in cleaning activities at Ujong Blang beach and Lifting heavy garbage in Ujong Blang Beach. This is really an actofkindness work carried out by your team and In turn your group have also done a great job in fighting to protect our environment. That is so great and I am happy about your team activities

 2 years ago 

Our activities do not have a major impact on changes in people's behavior in maintaining the cleanliness of the sea. But at least, our small activity can reduce the amount of trash in the ocean. Thank you so much for your comments @chiabertrand that are so encouraging to me.

 2 years ago 

Hello @ayijufridar, I love the work done by your team at the beach and the reservoir. It’s a pity that the same beach we go there to enjoy the fresh breeze from the water, at the end turn to become a garbage park due to poor management. It is a good thing that your team choses to clean up this for better use.

Aquatic lives matter a lot and must be protected. It is a good thing that your team provided residents with large plastic containers which will go a long way to create awareness for people to drop their waste in the containers. Courage for the work well done to protect the environment.

 2 years ago 

The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) stated that in 2021 the amount of waste in Indonesia will almost reach 70 million tons and the trend is predicted to continue to rise. most of that waste cannot be recycled. Imagine what would happen if people's awareness of using plastic is still low.

I forgot to tell you when we took action to clean the sea, there were fishermen who complained, that in their nets, there was always garbage, even though they wanted to catch fish.

Thank you @chant. About 70 percent of our earth consists of water, let's take care of it.

 2 years ago 

The funny thing is that those fishermen are always there and cannot mobilise to clean it. We need to continue sensitisation while also putting efforts together to clean our environment. Regards

 2 years ago 

I worry that fishermen are making the ocean their biggest trash can instead of cleaning it up. If every day they only pick up one piece of trash in the sea while catching fish, they contribute greatly to the cleanliness of the sea.

 2 years ago 

Yes, they need to support clean the sea but it seems they are complaining but doing nothing about it.

Beautiful places, beautiful people, well done!

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @jhellenmjgr...

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Curated By - @disconnect
Curation Team - The7up

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your support @steemcurator07 and @discnonnet. I wish we were connected all the time, ha ha hahaha... just kiding.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo @ayijufridar
Una muy buena idea la de limpiar las costas de la playa, ahí llegan traídos por la marea algunos elementos contaminantes, basura, adicional a la que por algún descuido algún transeúnte deja caer en la playa.
Es primordial mantener las costas libres de basura ya que pueden sermuy molestosas y ocntaminan.


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 2 years ago 

Gracias por su respuesta @fjjrg. Esto me recuerda ser más activo en el mantenimiento de la limpieza del medio ambiente, especialmente el mar que se ha vuelto cada vez más contaminado.

 2 years ago 

I can see that you are doing perfectly well in keeping the environment good so as to maintain healthy life and also to ensure that we run away from global warming

 2 years ago 

Actually, my friends and I wanted to give more, but we started from the smallest. I start today and start with myself. Since childhood, I have never littered, I even bagged small candy wrappers before finding the trash can.

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