Hobby Shopping : My First Time Went Shopping At Swalayan Surya Jenangan, Ponorogo
In the morning my friend purchased me some meals and drink for my breakfast. They bought two packs of rice burger. A pack of rice burger with mushroom & sausage and another pack is rice burger with shredded chicken plus chicken’s liver & chili sauce. They told me that they bought it at Rice Burger Seller what3words.com at Raya Jenangan Street, Krajan II, Jenangan, Ponorogo Regency, East Java. For two packs of rice burger & chili sauce the prices are really affordable, namely : IDR 5,000 x 2 packs = IDR 10,000. If we convert to Steem is about 2.56 Steem. They bought a big of Aqua mineral water 1500ml also and the price is IDR 6,000. If we convert to Steem is about 1.54 Steem.
In the evening I woke up all of a sudden. Yeah, I fell asleep after teaching my beloved students from morning till afternoon. I was starving. I want to look for some meals also for my breakfast tomorrow morning. To begin with buy a pack of Sari Roti Tawar Choco Chip at Swalayan Surya Jenangan what3words.com at Raya Jenangan Street, Krajan I, Jenangan, Ponorogo Regency, East Java and the price is IDR 18,000. If we convert to Steem is about 4.62 Steem. Let me inform you this is my first time visit this town, Jenangan. And jazz sure this swalayan, too. I meant Swalayan Surya Jenangan. The swalayan is pretty big and complete. After paying for my bread, I said big thank you to the amiable cashier.
In front of Swalayan Surya Jenangan what3words.com at Raya Jenangan Street, Krajan I, Jenangan, Ponorogo Regency, East Java there is a fruit seller. She is an amiable seller, too. I bought fresh orange also approximately a half kilogram and I had to pay for it IDR 10,000. If we convert to Steem is about 2.56 Steem.
She sells a plenty of fruits such as apples, grapes, dragon fruits, melon, star fruits, watermelon, snake fruits and so forth. I gave my money and said big thank you to the old woman, a friendly fruits seller.
I took a walk about fifteen minutes and stopped at Warung Madura Cak Ali what3words.com at Raya Jenangan Street, Krajan II, Jenangan, Ponorogo Regency, East Java. I was dying for spicy fried rice after downpour. It was drizzling, indeed. I order a spicy fried rice with shredded chicken and I only need to pay for it IDR 10,000. If we convert to Steem is about 2.56 Steem. Alhamdulillah they gave a pack of traditional crackers plus pickles, too. The pickles consists of chopped cucumber furthermore carrot. I took a pack of others traditional crackers also and the cost is IDR 1,000 or 0.25 Steem
There was a glass of hot tea with a little sugar also and the price is IDR 3,000 or 0.77 Steem. I got dinner meanwhile having a small talks with my nephew & younger brother by Whatsapp voice call & chat.
Alhamdulillah I am keen on the taste of fried rice at Warung Madura Cak Ali, Jenangan. It’s savory, mates. You should try it. The owner plus chef also are so friendly to their customers.
Yeah, total that I spent my money for my shopping to buy some meals, fruits & beverages for my breakfast and dinner in Jenangan, Ponorogo Regency, East Java are :
IDR 10,000 + IDR 6,000 + IDR 18,000 + IDR 10,000 + IDR 10,000 + IDR 1,000 + IDR 3,000 = IDR 58,000 or 14.89 Steem or 1.05 SBD
Source of Steem price : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/steem-dollars/
I am going to invite some of my dearest Steemian @ramadhayani84 @teukuipul87 @dekna1992 @fadlymatch @ikwal @dederanggayoni @debimarisa @pecintabunga20 @safridafatih @ifatniza @megaaulia @candra8692 to share their experiences to go shopping in this fascinating contest in this lovely community @steem4indonesia
Many thanks to all of the team Mr. @waterjoe @klen.civil @humaidi @fajrulakmal99 @muksa in this lovely community @steem4indonesia
Warm regards,
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