Be Our Curators / 큐레이터 모집

in #artisteem6 years ago (edited)


Be our Curator

Hello, Steemians! This week was very exciting for us as we saw many users join our discord server and apply for Coordinator. We have another new role "Curator"--please read below and Apply for Curator at Artisteem!

Definition of curator on dictionaries:

A professional with a degree in art who is responsible for museum collections, finding new artworks, and organizing successful exhibitions.

Artisteem's definition and Roles & Responsibilities of curator:

Our definition: An Artisteemian with a degree in art or experience equivalent to that who has a keen eye for

  1. picking good artworks for voting and promotion
  2. selecting Gold, Silver, Bronze for Contest
  3. planning and running a contest with ownership
  • Curators of Artisteem will be featured on our website and act as an art committee.

Most importantly, curators bring in(sign up) real artists from outside or from other social media to Artisteem.

Preferred Requirements

  1. Has a wide network of artists whom you can invite to
  2. Professionalism (education or status in art society or received awards)
  3. Experience in communities similar to Artisteem (including duration, R&R)

Fixed # of members

  1. 10 curators of visual art ( art, design, photography )
  2. 10 curators of art on audiovisual media ( music, dance, entertainment )


  • Artisteem curators will receive
  1. (Current plan) 100 TOPAZ(SMT) Tokens per 1 artist acquisition. ※ Our Target : 1TOPAZ is $0.1 amount
  2. additional incentive for 10,000+, 100,000+ followers on social media (calculation will be detailed later in a notice)
    *New artists will be registered and managed on our database. [After the renewal(01-Dec), referral IDs will be counted; 100 TOPAZ given to the inviter and another 100 TOPAZ to the artist when they complete their profile 100%]

How to Apply


큐레이터 모집

스티미언분들 안녕하세요! 이번주 많은 유저들이 디스코드에 참가해 코디네이터 신청을 해주셔서 성황리에 마감되었습니다! 큐레이터의 경우, 현재 국내 아티스트 발굴을 위해 한국 유저들의 활약이 요구됩니다. 아티스팀에서 다음과 같이 전문 큐레이터를 모집하오니 재능있는 많은 분들의 신청을 기대합니다.

큐레이터의 사전적 정의:

예술학위가 있는 전문가로서 하는 일은 주로 박물관 컬렉션, 새로운 작품찾기, 그리고 성공적으로 전시회를 주도합니다.

아티스팀 큐레이터의 정의와 역할:

예술분야 학위가 있거나 그에 상응하는 경력이 있는 전문가로서 다음 업무에 요구되는 예술적 감각을 보유하신 분.

  1. 업보팅과 홍보를 위해 좋은 작품을 엄선하는 능력
  2. 콘테스트의 수상작(금/은/동)을 선정하는 권한
  3. 콘테스트를 직접 기획하고 주최 및 운영하는 권한.
  • 아티스팀의 큐레이터 그룹은 웹사이트에서 공개되며, 콘테스트 심사위원단의 일원이 됩니다.

최우선적으로 큐레이터는 스팀내부나 외부 미디어(SNS 등)에서 활동하고 있는 아티스트들을 섭외하여 아티스팀의 회원으로 영입합니다.

선호되는 자격요건

  1. 예술분야에 넓은 인적 네트워크를 보유하고 계신 분
  2. 전문성 (학위이수/예술협회에서의 지위 또는 공모전 수상이력)
  3. 예술분야 커뮤니티에서의 활동경력 (기간, 역할과 책임을 포함)

모집 정원

  1. 일반 예술분야 큐레이터 10명(미술, 디자인, 사진)
  2. 시청각 예술분야 큐레이터 10명(음악, 댄스, 엔터테인먼트)

신규 아티스트 섭외 보상

  • 아티스팀 큐레이터는 다음과 같은 보상을 지원합니다
  1. (현 계획) 아티스트 1명 섭외 당 100 TOPAZ Tokens (SMT) ※ 우리의 목표 : 1 TOPAZ는 $0.1 상당
  2. 소셜미디어 팔로워 10,000+,100,000+ 에 대한 추가적인 인센티브 차등지급 (세부기준은 추후공지)
    * 신규 아티스트 가입실적은 당사 데이터베이스에 저장, 업데이트됩니다.
    [단, 사이트 리뉴얼(12/1)후에는 추천인ID를 통해 반영되며, 신규 아티스트에게도 프로필 완성도 100%시 100 TOPAZ 적립]

큐레이터 신청하기


@artisteem Team, In my opinion this is one more Effective and Productive move towards adding more Professionalism aspect in ARTISTEEM Economy and for sure this step can add more value. And hope that some professional Curatiors will join and will going to spread the ARTISTEEM Economy through Collaborations with the Artists. Keep up the great work team.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed team. 🙂

Nice to stumble on this,

As an aspiring graphics designer how can I come in?

Hello! Please visit our website and sign up :)

Hello, I have applied for curation team in discord. Please consider me ^_^.

We've reviewed your application. Please check :)

Hello dear friends @artisteem, I do not know if my art is considerable for you, but many more things will be done. God bless this family.

Greetings from Venezuela

Hello! We'll be waiting for your submissions on
Please follow @artisteem to get updates on development and notices.
Join our Discord server community for more information:

Thanks friend, I joined, I am already on the page and within a few hours share my art through artisteem, and I'm already following you.

By the way, I shared my application to be a curator in the discord. I hope you can take me into account.

Thanks for this opportunity @artisteem. Also applied on discord📸🖌️😊

Thank you for your application!

Wow very beautiful photos just very fantastic.

Thank you :)

hello @artisteem why do you donwvote me.

Sorry! misclick.

ok .
thank you. @artisteem, I canceled it, donwvote me.

wao, excellent and leave my request in discord, I love this project that has been rising ❤
Promoting art from diverse extensions is something extraordinary ❤
Greetings from Venezuela

Hello, please check your message in Discord :)

Wow, this is good system.
Carry on dear @artisteem

Wow.....This is good news for artists, i will try to recommend to some friends of mine to join this good program.

Thank you for promoting :D

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