Setting Reward Beneficiaries [EN] / Mengeset Penerima Manfaat Reward [ID]

1. Why Set Reward Beneficiaries?
Reward beneficiaries are set, basically to economically reward certain entities. For example, someone who has helped you in preparing a post or a team member in a certain activity, for example the Community Curator team report post. Benefits can also be set to certain accounts that have a certain initiative, for example charity accounts such as @steem.amal which is one of the accounts of the Steem SEA community, which was once an account where the Steem SEA community managers raised funds for charity. Various things have been done in the past using the funds collected on this account. There is also the reward sharing to the community account which is meant to provide support to the community account which will also help the community members by providing bigger or more votes.
So the purpose of setting a reward beneficiary is to give a portion of the reward to a specific account(s) (personally) or to specific causes (crowdfunding or to collectively build a community).
2. Community Helping Request
The Steem SEA community requests that members, (especially SSEA-MINER Programme participants), when submitting posts through this community to set a minimum of 10% rewards to the @steem.amal or @steem.sea community accounts.
3. How to Set Reward Beneficiaries?
Reward beneficiaries can be set when you open the compose page, through various interfaces. In this post I will show you how to do it in two interfaces ( and via Personal Computer. For other interfaces and devices, it is basically the same. And the steps are also simple. Notes: You can set beneficiaries after opening the compose page even if you haven't typed anything in your prospective post.
3.1. dan, managed by Witness @moecki, has exactly the same look as, and setting up beneficiaries also has the same procedure.
- On the compose page, look for the hyperlinked text “Advanced settings” at the bottom.
- On the pop-up window that appears, press the hyperlinked text ‘Add account’.
- Fill in the percentage of the reward you want to share and the name of the beneficiary. You can add more than one beneficiary. When you're done, press the [Save] button. Tap the hyperlinked text ‘Remove’ to cancel the sharing to a specific account.
- On the compose page, click the Beneficiaries button.
- On the pop-up window that appears, fill in the beneficiary's name and the amount to be given in percent. Press the [+] button to confirm.
- You can add other beneficiaries if any, using the same procedure. You can cancel the share by pressing the [X] button.
If on (and you need to press the [Save] button to confirm the beneficiary and exit the pop-up window, then on you confirm by pressing the [+] button and exit the window by pressing somewhere outside of it.
I hope this is useful.

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1. Untuk Apa Mengeset Penerima Manfaat (Beneficiaries) Pada Reward?
Reward beneficiaries diset, pada dasarnya adalah untuk memberikan penghargaan secara ekonomi kepada entitas tertentu. Misal, seseorang yang telah membantu Anda dalam mempersiapkan sebuah postingan atau anggota tim dalam suatu kegiatan tertentu, contohnya pada postingan laporan tim Kurator Komunitas. Bisa juga manfaat diset kepada akun-akun tertentu yang memiliki suatu inisiatif tertentu yang ingin didukung, misal akun amal seperti @steem.amal yang merupakan salah satu akun dari komunitas Steem SEA, yang pernah menjadi akun di mana pengelola komunitas Steem SEA mengumpulkan dana untuk kegiatan amal. Berbagai hal telah dilakukan di masa lalu dengan menggunakan dana yang dikumpulkan di akun ini. Ada juga pembagian reward kepada akun komunitas yang dimaksudkan untuk memberikan dukungan kepada akun komunitas yang nantinya juga akan membantu para anggota komunitas dengan menyediakan vote yang lebih besar atau lebih banyak.
Jadi maksud pengesetan penerima manfaat reward adalah untuk memberikan sebagian reward yang akan didapat kepada akun tertentu (secara personal) atau kepada tujuan tertentu (crowdfunding atau untuk secara bersama membangun komunitas).
2. Permintaan Membantu Komunitas
Komunitas Steem SEA meminta kepada para anggota, (khususnya peserta Program SSEA-MINER), saat mengirimkan postingan melalui komunitas ini untuk mengeset minimal 10% reward kepada akun komunitas @steem.amal atau @steem.sea.
3. Bagaimana Mengeset Penerima Manfaat Reward?
Reward beneficiaries bisa diset saat Anda membuka halaman compose, melalui berbagai antarmuka. Dalam tulisan ini saya akan menunjukkan cara melakukannya dalam dua antarmuka ( dan melalui Personal Computer. Untuk antarmuka lain dan device lain, secara garis besar sama saja. Dan langkahnya juga sederhana. Catatan: Anda bisa mengeset beneficiaries setelah membuka halaman compose meskipun Anda belum mengetikkan apapun di dalam bakal postingan Anda tersebut.
3.1. dan yang dikelola oleh Witness @moecki, memiliki antarmuka yang persis dengan, dan pengesetan penerima manfaat juga memiliki prosedur yang sama.
- Di halaman compose, cari text ber-hyperlink “Advanced settings” di bagian bawah.
- Pada jendela pop-up yang muncul, tekan teks ber-hyperlink “Add account”.
- Isi berapa persen dari reward yang Anda ingin bagikan dan nama penerima. Anda bisa menambahkan lebih dari satu penerima manfaat. Setelah selesai, tekan tombol [Save]. Tekan teks ber-hyperlink “Remove” untuk membatalkan pembagian kepada akun tertentu.
- Di halaman compose, klik tombol Beneficiaries.
- Pada jendela pop-up yang muncul, isi nama penerima manfaat dan jumlah yang ingin diberikan dalam persen. Tekan tombol [+] untuk mengkonfirmasi.
- Anda bisa menambah penerima manfaat lain jika ada, dengan prosedur yang sama. Anda bisa membatalkan pembagian dengan menekan tombol [X].
Jika di (dan Anda perlu menekan tombol [Save] untuk mengkonfirmasi penerima manfaat dan keluar dari jendela pop-up, maka di Anda mengkonfirmasi dengan menekan tombol [+] dan keluar dari jendela tersebut dengan menekan di suatu tempat di luar jendela itu.
Semoga bermanfaat.

My Introductory Post | Telegram | Discord | X

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Setting steemcurator02 as a beneficiary? Why not write steem.amal or steem.sea you know people will only look at the pictures!
Haha. You are right. I missed it. 😂
It's taken care of.
You make everything seem easier. A salute for your praiseworthy work of fighting for art and promoting in these spaces so necessary for writers and artists. I don't think I would even be around here if you weren't here. It is easy to lose motivation when you start, if nobody even greets you.
My respects to you. @aneukpineung78, @wakeupkitty.pal
You would miss all the fun and great writers! There are many great texts you can dive in 🙃 if you only had two days in one hour. Iit's good to have you around.
Thanks a loud for the compliment.
Helpful, but with me on my phone, it looks different. I never saw steemcurator02 show uo. Are you paying off a debt, or is it a payment for an upvote or the steemit site teaching Steemians a lesson in alertness?
This is what I see:

Nothing to do with steemcurator02, it's just an example. I could've written any Steem ID there.
I never did SteemPost on phone.
Do you have a phone?
Hah! Yes I do. Why?
I did the SteemPosts composing on phone in 2017, my earlier days on Steem. Since 2020, as long as I can recollect, I never do that on phone, but on PC and sometimes on tablet.
But I do check Steem and do comment on phone, especially when I am away from my PC and tablet. I find it's hard, especially when you care enough about markdown.
You can save your template in the clipboard of your phone and copy-paste it and add the text and pictures...