Contest and result; Comment affairs #03/ Does money bring happiness?
Greetings beautiful Steemians,
Welcome to comment affairs contest #03 and announcement for #02
This is a free write and comment contest geared to promote engagement amongst steemians. Our last contest we had 28 comments and 10 users who commented.
This week is another interesting time for engagement. So for the week, let’s look at this…
Does money bring happiness? What’s your take on this, tell us what you think about money and happiness and why you think so.
Points to note:
- This is a free write and comment contest, you do not need to make a post, simply write whatever you want as a comment under this post. It can be as as long as you want but ensure it’s more than 100 words.
- Attach a picture (just one picture) to elaborate your point. Ensure the picture is sourced.
- Tag three of your friends to join the contest under your comment.
- You can choose to write a fresh comment or You can express yourself under someone’s comment if you want to contribute to what the person wrote about.
- This contest ends on Thursday 6th February and the users with the best and quality comments will be rewarded.
1st Place: 2 steem power
2nd Place: 2 steem power
3rd Place: 1 steem power
- Entries to this contest are open to everyone
- Post your comment under the contest post, you do not need to write a different post, add a picture to your comment.
- Comment must be at least 100 words. Comments should be written in English only.
- Plagiarism, AI content, and abusive commemts are not allowed.
- Do not use any Upvote bot services
- Vote and resteem this post for others to see.
- Tag three of your friends under your comment to join the comment contest
The contest ends on Thursday 6th February 23:59 UTC and the decision of the Steem For Ladies team is final.
Winners for Comment affairs contest #02.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the last contest. There were many interesting and quality comments but please let’s adhere to the instructions to write only in English.
Hence let’s drop our quality comments in English and the comments must be inline with the context of the contest.
Below are the winners.
Name | Reward |
@deetalka6 | 2 steem power |
@deprincedeman | 2 steem power |
@chisom77 | 1 steem power |
Steem power prices sent
Thank you so much, please keep making quality posts and we can’t wait to see our engagement in the comment contest. Let’s get commenting.
10% to @steemladies
menikmati liburan juga membutuhkan uang
Apakah uang mendatangkan kebahagiaan? Apa pendapat anda tentang hal ini? beritahu kami pendapat anda tentang uang dan kebahagiaan serta mengapa anda berpendapat demikian.
Baiklah saya ingin menjawab bahwa uang bukan segalanya tapi segalanya butuh uang, bisa kah dipahami? Jadi setiap manusia akan berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan uang bahkan dengan menghalalkan segala cara, tapi dengan mempunyai uang yang banyak belum tentu mereka bisa mendapatkan kebahagiaan, karena kebahagian itu datang dari dalam diri kita sendiri bukan dari uang dan uang adalah pendukung dari kebahagiaan kita.
Kita akan mengalami banyak masalah jika tidak punya uang, mau mendapatkan makanan, kesehatan, pendidikan bahkan saat kita mati saja masih membutuhkan uang karena hidup itu tidak ada yang gratis.
Sebaliknya mempunyai banyak uang juga akan mendapatkan masalah karena semua uang kita harus di jaga betul-betul supaya tidak dirampas orang lain dan itu akan membuat kita jadi resah dan kehilangan kebahagiaan juga.
Alangkah baiknya kita hidup sederhana dengan penuh kebahagiaan dari pada bergelimang harta tapi kita tak bahagia.
Mengundang Bu @sumarni123, @watii, @hafsasaadat90
Terimakasih buat teman @alexanderpeace yang sudah mengadakan kontes komentar yang sangat menarik,salam🤝🌹.
0.00 SBD,
11.22 STEEM,
11.22 SP
Terimakasih ya Bu @suryati1 sudah mengundang saya. Insya Allah ikutan juga.
Oke sip👍
میں اپ کی بات سے مکمل طور پر متفق ہوں کہ، پیسے ہی سے خوشی نہیں حاصل کی جا سکتی۔ مگر پیسہ ایک ایسی بنیادی ضرورت ہے جس کے بغیر زندگی ادھوری ہے۔ انسان پیسے سے خوشی تو نہیں حاصل کر سکتا، مگر خوش رہنے کی کوشش ضرور کر سکتا ہے۔۔کیونکہ ہماری بیسک ضروریات پیسے ہی سے پوری ہوتی ہیں۔اگر بنیادی ضروریات ہی پوری نہ ہوں تو انسان خوش رہنے کا ڈھونگ ہی رسا سکتا ہے۔ خوش نہیں رہ سکتا ۔روٹی، کپڑا ،مکان یہ تینوں چیزیں ایسی ہیں جن جو پیسہ مانگتی ہیں۔ کوئی بھی کسی کو تین ٹائم روٹی نہیں کھلا سکتا ،سوائے اللہ کی ذات کے۔ لہذا انسان کو اللہ سے علم نافع اور فائدہ دینے والا مال مانگنا چاہیے ۔جس میں انسان کو دلی راحت اور سکون حاصل ہو سکے۔
میرے اسٹیم اٹ کے کچھ خاص ساتھی ہیں جن کی میں پوسٹ کا شدت سے انتظار کروں گی۔
Terimakasih temanku atas komentar baiknya,
Tidak hanya biaya, tetapi juga kematian. Banyak yang tidak mampu membiayai pemakaman. Ada perdagangan mayat, bagian tubuh manusia yang dikirim, sebagian disewakan, untuk penelitian. Ada skandal besar ketika sebuah kontainer berisi mayat dan bagian tubuh ditemukan di pelabuhan Rotterdam yang dikirim oleh sebuah perusahaan di Amerika. Keluarga terdekat tidak dapat membayar dan jika mereka membayar, apa yang tersisa akan dikuburkan oleh perusahaan tersebut. 😥
Comment Affairs #03: Does Money Bring Happiness?
Thank you @alexanderpeace for this comment contest; and I'm your girl @tripple-e
I'll answer that question in capital letter as "NO". Because the bible in 1 Timothy 6:6 says
Image from my gallery
True happiness and contentment come through establishing or having a relationship with God; trusting totally in His word. By so doing He will give you peace that passes all human understanding. And this serenity can be seen in your life and dealings with men.
Sometimes you don't have to have money in your pocket or food on your table; it can just burst out and you'll find yourself singing and dancing.
I say this with full assurance because I am a practical example, I don't know if there's anyone that can relate to this.
There's a saying that; "Happiness is free", a lot of people derived their happiness from different sources. It could be good food, being in a good relationship, taking vacations, having money etc. But note that a true happiness does not come from these, that's why you could see a very rich man still looking for more money, because he's not satisfied nor be contented. Yeah! The rich also cry and become sad.
Finally let me leave you with this
I invite @missyleo @enyddy @eveetim
0.00 SBD,
0.01 STEEM,
0.01 SP
My dear sister, in this very contest I will tell you that money bring happiness, because as I am now, I don't have any joy like this since this week began, and that's because I don't have any money on me.
I want to sing and praise God but no strength in me to do so because I have not eaten anything yet. If I have money now I will solve part of my problem, like buying food to eat l, from there I will have enough strength to praise my God.
But at the very end of it all, true happiness comes from God, that's why I agree with you that "The rich also cry".
Hmmmm. Okay
You better choose money, because money brings happiness but when you chose happiness over money, be rest assured that happiness will not bring you money🙆
That's opinion my dear
🤣🤣🤣🤣. You are very Hilarious. I laughed reading this. Somehow money can buy happiness to an extent oo. There’s nothing like having money to do what you want to do. The absence of it can be a lot too. I need plenty money right now and if I have it, I think I would be happier at least for the fact that that particular need is solved but what do I know😂, they said money cannot buy happiness. Lemme get the money first and I would judge 🤣
My dear friend, I will approve money first, because I know with money my happiness is sure.
Thank you for this invitation dear, it's true that money doesn't give true happiness. Happiness is free, that is true and I say it often whenever I see children being happy.
Children don't understand the value of money but they are usually so happy, thier happiness is usually pure and fulfilling.
On the other hand, I will say that money gives a level of happiness. If you've lacked money for once or at a particular time in your life, you'll understand that money gives happiness if not absolutely.
Meanwhile I've not been hearing from my sister @missyleo I hope you're doing great. Happy New Year ooo.😄
You are absolutely right
Yes, I think this is relative, maybe not all the time but sometimes money can buy happiness.
My dear sister, that's the same issue we are tackling now, "Money". It is lack of money that made me loose my happiness of coming online as before, but I think silence the money is not coming forth as I plan, I've decided to fall back to my root "Steemit".
Thank you so much for noticing my absence and also checking up on me, I appreciate this show of love from you @eveetim.
I am fully back now, keep your support intact because you gonna need that to vote me😋
I agree with you, for true happiness and satisfaction comes from having an initimate relationship with God. 👍🏽
¿El dinero trae felicidad? ¿Qué opinas al respecto? Cuéntanos qué piensas sobre el dinero y la felicidad y por qué lo crees.
Bueno, el dinero definitivamente no trae felicidad, aunque, si tenemos dinero como cubrir nuestras necesidades básicas vamos a sentir algo de alegría, satisfacción o contentamiento; y cuando no tenemos dinero nos sentimos muy triste, porque no tenemos como comprar comida, y las cosas básicas de la vida.
Pero la felicidad va como más allá, es algo más profundo, como más duradero. Pienso que la felicidad se lleva adentro, y no tiene que ver con si tenemos más o menos dinero. Creo que tiene que ver más con las cosas espirituales.
No depende de las circunstancias, sino de la relación que tenemos con dios, el significado que le demos a nuestra vida.
Conozco personas con muchísimo dinero, que son tan vanidosas y orgullosas que no son felices. También conozco personas muy ricas que si lo son, porque tienen valores espirituales muy araigados.
Esa es mi opinión, el dinero nos da cierto grado de seguridad y alegría, pero no nos garantiza la felicidad duradera.
Invito a @sitaraindaryas @tripple-e y @naina9
Thank God I've seen someone that also shares my thoughts, money does not give happiness, true happiness comes from within.
Thank you for the invite ma'am
Money is not happiness but it is the cause of happiness. Happiness obtained from money is not permanent but temporary like any desire like shoes, clothes, food, drink, organizing a function, these are temporary happiness.
Real happiness is related to our self, to our thinking, to our intention, to our action. Always put the pleasure of Allah first in your life and make gratitude your habit in every situation. Happiness is not related to money, but to the state of the heart and thoughts. True happiness lies in peace of heart and we need to find true happiness within ourselves and not in external and artificial things.
Thankyou for rewarding me
Thankyou for awarding me
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Saludos amiga @alexanderpaz, disculpa la insistencia, aún estoy a la espera de mi premio @booming. Gracias por su atención.
@liasteem will award you with the booming. Patience